How do I view or manage items in item banks?
To view or manage items in a Mastery Connect item bank, you can find items by searching or filtering the list of items.
You can search for items by words or phrases in the item title. You can also search by keyword for text content within items using single words, multiple words, or exact phrases in quotation marks.
You can filter the item list by subject, item type, Bloom's Taxonomy, degree of difficulty, reserved status, passage status, or language.
Note: Passage content will not appear in keyword search results when searching for items.
View Item List
By default, your personal item bank is selected [1], and the Items tab displays [2].
The Results area displays a list of all the item titles in the selected item bank [3]. One item is selected [4], and its preview displays [5].
Select Different Item Bank

To select a different item bank, click the drop-down menu icon [1]. Then, select another item bank name link [2].
Search for Item by Title
To search for an assessment by name, enter all or part of the name in the Search field [1]. Then, click the Search button [2].
Filter Item List
To filter the item list, select filter options.
To view only items with passages, click the Has Passage checkbox [1].
To view only items in a particular subject, click the Subject drop-down menu [2] and select a subject.
When you select the Subject filter, additional options display. To filter by core, click the Core drop-down menu [3]. To filter by class or grade, click the Class drop-down menu [4]. To filter by standard, click the Standard drop-down menu [5].
To view additional filters, click the Expand icon [6].
To filter by item type, click the Item Type drop-down menu [1].
To filter by Blooms Taxonomy attribute, click the Blooms drop-down menu [2].
To filter by degree of difficulty, click the Difficulty drop-down menu [3].
To filter by available language, click the Language drop-down menu [4].
Sort Item List
By default, the list of items is sorted alphabetically by title. To change the sort order, click the Sort drop-down menu [1]. Then, select an option from the list [2]. You can sort items based on their titles in alphabetical order or reverse alphabetical order. You can also sort items based on when they were created, their Bloom's Taxonomy values, their levels of Depth of Knowledge (DOK), or by item passage title in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order.
View or Manage Item
To select an item, click the item name link [1].
In the item view, you can view item attributes [2], the item question [3], and the correct answer for the item [4].
To edit an item that is in draft, click the Edit button [5].
To clone an item, click the Clone button [6].
To delete an item, click the Delete button [7].
To publish an item, click the Publish button [8].
- If an item is published and was created by an admin, you may be able to reserve or release the item.
- To view the standard an item is aligned to, click the Edit or Clone button.