How do I create a cloze math formula item?

In Mastery Connect, you can create a cloze math formula item. A close math item is a fill-in-the-blank question that allows students to input a math formula in response to a stimulus.

You can create any item type through the Item Editor. You can also use the Item Editor to add passages, add item-level tools, and save the item. To open and use the Item Editor, learn more about:

Format Item

Enter a question or prompt in the Compose question field [1].

To open the test editor and enter a formula for the question click the Formula template field [2].

By default, the Formula template field contains one response box. To insert additional response boxes, in the text editor click the Response icon [3].  Alternatively, to insert a response box, enter {{response}} or press the Underscore key on your keyboard twice.

You can include as many formulas in the template as needed.

Set Correct Answers

Set Correct Answers

Enter a point value for the item in the Point(s) field [1].

To specify how the item is scored, click the Method drop-down menu and select a scoring method [2].

Enter the answer for the first response box in the Value field [3].  

To select additional scoring options, use the text field and checkboxes [4].

To use combined scoring methods, click the Add link [4].

To enter correct answers and scoring methods for additional response boxes, click the Expand icon(s) [5].

To add an alternate correct answer, click the Add icon [6].

Repeat for additional response points.

To add additional scoring and formatting options for the item, click the More Options drop-down menu [7].

Validate Answers

Validate Answers

To preview the item interaction, click the mouse on a response box and enter an answer using your computer keyboard. To view correct and incorrect answers, click the Show Answers checkbox [1]. Correct answers display a check mark and are shaded green [2]. Incorrect answers display an X and are shaded red [3]. If the answer in a response box is incorrect, the correct answer displays in the Correct answers section [4].  

The number of points awarded for the item as answered in the preview window over the number of points possible display in the scoring bubble [5].