How do I clone an item in a third-party item bank from the Item Index?
In Mastery Connect, you can clone items from third-party (paid) item banks and save and edit them in your writeable item banks.
Note: If the Clone option does not display on an items in a third-party item bank, cloning has been disabled for those items in your district.
Open Items

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Items link.
Select Third-Party Item Bank

To display available item banks, click the More Options drop-down menu [1]. Then, click a third-party item bank link [2].
Select Destination Bank

In the Clone Item window, click the Destination Bank drop-down menu [1]. Then, click a destination bank link [2].
- Admins can clone third-party items and add them to district item banks.
- Third-party items that include passages display the passage warning [3]. Third-party passages are the property of the publisher, and access can be revoked at any time.
View Item in Destination Bank
The item displays in the new item bank. You can edit and save the new item in the destination bank.
Learn more about editing an item in the item bank.