How do I adjust portal display settings?

In Mastery Connect, you can adjust the settings for your tracker so that assessments, the answer key, item analysis, student answers, unassessed standards, or power standards for assessments are shown or hidden in the student and parent portals.


  • The Apply to All Assessments display option updates all assessments in the tracker, including assessments with custom display settings. 
  • To display scores from archived trackers, you need to first unarchive the tracker

Open Tracker

In Global Navigation, click the Trackers tab [1]. In the Trackers page, click the name of the tracker you wish to view [2].

Open Tracker Settings

Open Tracker Settings

To open the Settings menu, click the Settings button.

Adjust Portal Display Settings

Adjust Portal Display Settings

 To hide or display all the available content in the student and parent portals for your tracker, click the Display in Portals toggle on or off [1].

To hide or display individual components in the student and parent portals, click the applicable checkboxes [2].

By default, the Apply to all assessments checkbox [3] is always selected. By leaving this box checked, all assessments in the tracker will be updated, and any custom display settings will be overridden. To apply updates only to assessments that do not have custom display settings, click the checkbox to deselect Apply to all assessments.


Save Changes

Save Changes

To save your changes, click the Save button.