How do I view summarized student mastery data in my tracker?
In Mastery Connect, the Tracker View page displays an overview of current student mastery levels for standards that have been assessed.
Note: A more detailed report of student mastery data is displayed in the Student Report.
Open Tracker
In the Global Navigation menu, click the Trackers link [1]. Then click the name of the tracker [2].
View Student Mastery Totals

The Students list displays the number of standards students have achieved for each mastery level [1]. Mastery level scores display from left to right, with Mastery level on the left in green, Near Mastery level in the middle in yellow, and Remediation level on the right in red.
To toggle the mastery level scores display, click the Mastery Display button [2]
View Student ID Numbers

To view student ID numbers in the Students list [1], click the Student ID Display button [2].
When the Mastery Display or Student ID Display buttons are selected, the colored summary boxes at the bottom of each assessed standard display the number of students that have achieved each mastery level for that standard [3].
View Standard Mastery Percentage

To view the percentage of students in each mastery level of an assessed standard [1], click the Percentage Display button [2].
View Benchmark Percentage

Benchmark assessment scores display in the dark gray column marked with a B [1]. Benchmarks always display as a percentage, not as a mastery level [2].