What kind of question type did my Canvas Quiz questions convert to in Mastery Connect?

When you convert a Canvas Classic Quiz or New Quiz into Mastery Connect, the question types convert into comparable Mastery Connect question types. However, some question types are fully supported, while others are partially supported. Some question types are not supported.

There are several types of Canvas quizzes. Currently, you can convert quizzes whose quiz type is Graded Quiz. Conversion for other types of quizzes is not supported.

Canvas Classic Quizzes

Supported Canvas Classic Quiz Question Types:

  • Multiple Choice
  • True / False
  • Multiple Answers
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Fill in Multiple Blanks
  • Multiple Dropdowns
  • Matching
  • Essay Question

Partially Supported Canvas Classic Quiz Question Types:

  • Numeric Answer
  • Text (no question)

Unsupported Canvas Classic Quiz Question Types:

  • File Upload
  • Formula

Classic Quiz Question Type Conversion Chart

Canvas Classic Quiz Question Type Mastery Connect Question Type
Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Question
True/False Multiple Choice
Multiple Answers Multiple Choice
Fill In the blank Cloze Text
Fill In Multiple Blanks Cloze Text
Multiple Dropdowns Cloze Dropdown
Matching Match List
Numeric Answer Cloze Math Formula
Essay Question Essay with Rich Text
Text (no question) Passage - Learn more about adding passages to items

Canvas New Quizzes

Supported Canvas New Quiz Question Types:

  • Categorization
  • Essay
  • Matching
  • Multiple Answers
  • Multiple Choice
  • Numeric
  • Ordering
  • True False

Partially Supported Canvas New Quiz Question Types:

  • Fill in the blank
  • Hot Spot
  • Stimulus

Unsupported Canvas New Quiz Question Types:

  • File Upload
  • Formula

New Quiz Question Type Conversion Chart

Canvas New Quiz Question Type Mastery Connect Question Type
Categorization Classification
Essay Essay with Rich Text
Matching Match List
Multiple Answers Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice Multiple Choice
Numeric Cloze Math
Ordering Order List
True/False Multiple Choice
Hot Spot Hot Spot (additional configuration needed post-conversion)
Fill in the Blank (Answer Type: Wordbank) Cloze with drag-and-drop
Fill in the Blank (Answer Type: Dropdown) Cloze Dropdown
Fill in the Blank (Answer Type: Open Entry) Cloze Text (not all Canvas answer types supported)
Stimulus Passage - Learn more about adding passages to items

New Quizzes Hot Spot Conversion Configuration

The correct hotspot areas from Canvas New Quizzes are converted into a single correct selection area in the Mastery Connect Hotspot question type.  

Teachers must add additional distractors and/or selection zones to the question after the conversion. To do this, edit and save the changes to the item within the assessment.

New Quizzes Fill in the Blank Open Answer Conversion Types

Canvas New Quizzes Fill in the Blank Open Entry question type has five different text match answer options: Contains, Close Enough, Exact Match, Specify Correct Answers, and Regular Expression Match.

Some of these answer options are fully supported in the conversion to Mastery Connect Cloze Text question format, some are partially supported, and some are not supported. The conversion process is outlined below.

New Quiz Open Entry Answer Type Mastery Connect Conversion
Contains Not Supported - Converts to Exact Match
Close Enough Not Supported - Converts to Exact Match
Exact Match Partially Supported**
Specify Correct Answers Supported - Uses Alternate Response option in Mastery Connect authoring
Regular Expression Match Not Supported - Converts to Exact Match

Notes for Partially Supported Exact Match Answer type: 

  • In Canvas New Quizzes, the Exact Match answer type requires case and spelling to match exactly.
  • In Mastery Connect Cloze Text question types, exact match means a student must answer all parts of the question correct to receive a mark. For example, if there are three blank fields, they must correctly respond to all three to get the full score.