How do I delete or archive a student in a tracker?
As a Mastery Connect teacher, you can remove students from a tracker by deleting or archiving them. Deleting a student deletes the student and their scores from the tracker. Archiving a student makes the student a former student. You can choose to hide or display former student scores in a tracker.
Whether a student is deleted or archived depends on how the student was added to the tracker. You can only delete students who were added to the tracker through a CSV import or who were typed in manually. You can only archive students who were added individually from a Student Information System (SIS).
Note: You cannot archive students who were added to the tracker from a SIS section. Students added from a SIS section must be managed by the SIS or an administrator.
Open Tracker
In the Global Navigation menu, click the Trackers link [1]. In the Trackers page, click the tracker name link [2].
Open Delete or Archive

In the Tracker View page on the Students tab, hover the cursor over a student name [1]. Then, click the Remove icon [2].
Archive Student

If the student was imported from a SIS, the Archive Student window displays. To archive the student, click the Archive button.
The student becomes a former student. You can choose to hide or display the scores of former students.
Delete Student

If the student was manually typed in or imported from a CSV file, the Delete Student window displays. To delete the student and the student's scores, click the Delete button.
The student is removed from tracker.