How do I manage my tracker display?
In the Tracker View page, you can manage the display of the assessments, units, and standard groups in your tracker. You can also change the order of the columns displayed in the tracker. As you make selections, the tracker updates automatically.
Open Tracker
In the Global Navigation menu, click the Trackers link [1]. In the Trackers page, click the tracker name link [2].
View Tracker Menu

You can use the checkboxes in the Tracker Display menu to hide or display benchmark assessments or multi-standard assessments, or display only power standards [1].
You can also hide or display items in a unit [2] or groups of standards [3].
Manage Benchmark Assessment Display
In the Tracker View page, benchmark assessments display as a darkened column with a letter B label [1].
In the Tracker menu, you can hide or display benchmark assessments in your tracker. To display benchmark assessments, click the Benchmarks checkbox [2]. To hide benchmark assessments, click the checkbox to remove the checkmark.
Manage Multi-Standard Assessment Display
Multi-standard assessments display as a lightened column with a letter M label [1].
In the Tracker menu, you can hide or display multi-standard assessments. To display multi-standard assessments in your tracker, click the Multi Standard checkbox [2]. To hide multi-standard assessments, click the checkbox to remove the checkmark.
Display Power Standards Only

By default, all standards display in the tracker. Power Standards are marked by the letter P label[1].
In the Tracker menu, you can display only power standards. To display only power standards in the tracker, click the Power Standards Only checkbox [2].
To return to display all standards, click the checkbox to remove the checkmark.
Manage Units Display

Standards and assessments may be grouped as a unit [1]. In the Tracker Display menu, you can hide or display units. To display a unit, click the unit checkbox [2]. To hide items in a unit from the tracker, click the checkbox to remove the checkmark.
To add a new unit to the tracker, click the Add New Unit button [3].
Manage Standard Groups Display

Groups are sets of related standards in your tracker [1]. In the Tracker Display menu, you can hide or display groups in your tracker. To display a group, click the group checkbox [2]. To hide a group from the tracker, click the checkbox to remove the checkmark.
To display additional standards that have been added, such as another core or grade, click the Added checkbox [3]. To hide added standards from the tracker, click the checkbox to remove the checkmark.
Close Tracker Display Menu

As you hide or display content, the changes update instantly in the tracker.
When you are satisfied with the changes, click the Close icon.
Reorder Columns

To reorder the way standards and assessments display in the Tracker View page, hover over the column header for the standard you want to move.
Next, click and hold the Move button to drag and drop the column horizontally to a new position in the tracker.