How do I add a new assessment to a tracker?

From the Tracker View page in a tracker, you can create and add a new assessment to the tracker.


Open Tracker

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Trackers link [1]. In the Trackers page, click the name of a tracker [2].

Create New Assessment

In the Tracker View page, click the Add Assessment button [1].

Then, to create and add a new assessment, click the Create new link [2].

Add Assessment Details

Add Assessment Details

In the Add Assessment window, you can enter information for the assessment.

In the Title field, enter a name for the assessment [1]. The Title field is required to add an assessment to the tracker.

To select a type of assessment, click either the Formative or Benchmark radio button [2]. If you are a teacher, you can create a formative assessment. If you are a district admin, you can also create a district benchmark.

The name of the tracker, assessment subject, assessment standards core, and assessment grade display in the Alignment section [3].

To select a source for the assessment, click a radio button in the Source section [4]. Different source options may display based on the selected assessment type or your user role.

Set Assessment Privacy

Set Assessment Privacy

To set privacy for the assessment, click the Privacy drop-down menu and select an option. Available options include Private to Me, Private to My School, and Private to My District.

Add Assessment

Add Assessment

When you have entered all the assessment details, click the Next button.

View Assessment Builder

Mastery Connect will open the Assessment Builder. Based on your selected assessment settings, you may see different options in the assessment editor.

Learn more about creating a formative assessment or creating an item-based assessment. If you are a district admin, learn about creating a benchmark assessment.