How do I convert a Canvas New Quiz into a Mastery Connect assessment?
If your institution uses Canvas LMS, you can import a Canvas New Quiz or Classic Quiz into a Mastery Tracker item-based assessment. Each New Quiz item converts to a comparable item type in Mastery Connect. New Quiz questions whose type is Stimulus in Canvas become drafted passages in Mastery Connect. If needed, you can add the passages to other items.
Every question in Mastery Connect must have an associated standard. Add standards to questions if needed.
If you import unsupported items, error messages display. You can learn more about which Canvas item types convert to which Mastery Connect item types.
- There are several types of Canvas New Quizzes. Currently, you can convert New Quizzes whose quiz type is Graded Quiz. Conversion for other types of New Quizzes is not supported.
- The following Canvas New Quiz options are not supported in Mastery Connect: access codes, shuffle answers, IP filtering, time limit, one question at at a time, lock questions, multiple attempts, quiz response visibility, rubrics, outcomes, scheduling, New Quizzes settings, essay configuration options, question banks, and linked question groups.
- Question Groups are unsupported. However, if your Canvas New Quiz questions are in groups, all items in the groups are imported.
- Question points in Mastery Connect items must be non-zero integers. Non-integer quiz question point values are rounded to the nearest integer. Questions with zero point values in Canvas are converted without point values. You must add point values to these questions after conversion.
- The following Canvas New Quiz question features are not supported in Mastery Connect: in-question instructor feedback, content embedding that requires Canvas authentication (LTI Rich Content Editor embeds), non-integer point values, and question names.
- After you import Canvas quizzes into Mastery Connect, they remain in Canvas.
Open Canvas Course

Log in to your Canvas account.
To enter your course, in the Global Navigation menu, click the Courses link [1]. Then, click the course name link [2].
- If the course is not listed, select the All Courses link [3], then click the title of your course.
- In order to link a Mastery Tracker assessment to an assignment, you must first link a Mastery Tracker to your course.
View Available Quizzes

To view a list of quizzes you can import, click the See Available Quizzes button.
Convert Quizzes
The Canvas Content window displays a list of Canvas quizzes that are available to import and convert. New Quizzes display a shaded icon next to the quiz title and Classic Quizzes display an outlined icon next to the quiz title.
By default, the quizzes are listed by title in alphabetical order. To reverse the sort order by title, click the Title column [1]. To sort the quizzes by number of questions in the quiz, click the Questions column [2]. Quizzes that you have already converted display a date in the Last Conversion column [3].
To view Canvas quiz details, click a quiz name link [4].
To select a quiz to convert, click one or more quiz checkboxes [5]. You can select more than one quiz.
Then click the Convert as New button [6].
Note: If you select and convert a quiz that has already been converted, it becomes a new assessment in Mastery Connect.
View Conversion Process Messages
When the conversion process begins, an informational message displays in the Mastery Tracker [1] . The quiz converts within 24 hours.
When a quiz is completely converted, a completed message displays [2].
To open the Tracker Assessment list displaying the converted quizzes, click the Refresh the tracker assessment list link [3]. Alternatively, click the Assessments tab [4].
Edit Assessment
Imported quizzes are listed as drafts in the Assessments tab [1] of the Mastery Tracker. The assessments are in draft state [2].
To open a quiz in the Mastery Connect Assessment Editor, click the Edit button [3].
View Assessment Editor
The assessment opens in the Assessment Editor, where you can view all the converted quiz questions [1].
Every converted quiz question has a new default name [2]. Names are in the form NQ - [New Quiz ID] - [Question #]. You can change item names by editing the item settings.
Most quiz questions in Canvas convert to a comparable item type in Mastery Connect [3]. You can learn more about which Canvas item types convert to which Mastery Connect item types.
If an item had points in Canvas, point values are imported [4]. Non-integers are rounded up or down to the nearest integer. Items that had no points in Canvas must have points added in Mastery Connect. To add or change item point values, edit the item.
To make changes to the assessment, learn more about editing an item-based assessment.
Note: Question points in Mastery Connect items must be non-zero integers.
Add Standards to Questions
Questions that do not have an associated standard display the No Standard message [1] and display an empty standard tag [2].
All questions must have an associated standard before an assessment can move out of draft state. To associate a standard with the question, click the Standard drop-down menu [3] and select a standard. Repeat this for every question that displays the No Standard message.
You can also bulk select questions and associate them with the same standard at once. To bulk associate questions with the same standards, click to select the question checkboxes [4]. Then, click the Standard drop-down menu and select a standard to associate with the questions you selected [5].
View Unsupported Question Types
The Canvas question types File Upload and Formula are not supported in Mastery Connect. If the imported quiz contained any of these question types, an error message displays at the top of the item list [1]. Another error message displays in place of the item [2].
You can change a question type before importing it. Learn more about creating quizzes in Canvas.
To remove the error message, click the Close icon [3].
Note: Before you can create the assessment, you must remove all error messages.
View Conversion Warning

Partially supported question types may display an Alert icon [1]. To view the alert message, hover the cursor over the alert icon and read the message [2]. To verify or reconfigure an item with conversion issues, edit the item.
Add Stimulus Questions as Passages

Canvas New Quiz Stimulus items convert to passages in Mastery Connect. If this occurs, a warning message displays [1]. Additionally, a warning message displays instead of the item [2].
To remove the warning message about a converted text item, click the Close icon [3].
Add Passage to Items

To add the converted passage to items, click the More icon for an item [1]. Then, click the Edit link [2].
Add Converted Passage
In the Add Passage window, text questions that were converted display on the Converted tab [1]. To add the passage, click the passage name [2]. Then, click the Add button [3].
View Added Passage
The added passage displays in the Item Editor.
You can learn more about adding passages to items in Mastery Connect.
You can also learn about creating and editing passages in Mastery Connect.
Create Assessment
Once all items have standards and are complete, you can create the Mastery Connect assessment. Click the Create Assessment button [1].
To keep working on the assessment as a draft and exit the Assessment Editor, click the Exit button [2].
- After you create a Mastery Connect assessment from a Canvas New Quiz, the assessment is added back to the Canvas course as an assignment.
- Items in an imported quiz are added to an item bank only after the assessment is created.
- Items are complete when they have correct answers or rubrics, as well as associated standards.
- Canvas New Quizzes converted to Mastery Connect assessments remain in Canvas.