How do I score an assessment with GradeCam?
In Mastery Connect, you can score an assessment by scanning bubble sheets using GradeCam. To scan bubble sheets, you must have GradeCam installed and have a computer camera.
During scanning, you can use the GradeCam window buttons to select a camera and control scanning settings.
During scanning, you may encounter issues with bubble sheets that require you to confirm responses.
- You can learn more about installing GradeCam for any camera, Elmo or Aver cameras.
- You can change default camera and scanning settings.
Open Tracker
In the Global Navigation menu, click the Trackers link[1] and then click the name of the tracker [2].
Open Assess Window

Hover over the standard you want to assess, and click the Assess link.
Open Scan Scores

If the assessment was previously scanned, hover the cursor over the assessment name, and click the Scan Scores option.
View GradeCam Buttons

View the buttons in the GradeCam window:
- Disable or Enable Camera [1]: Disables or enables the camera.
- Student View [2]: Allows students to score their own assessments and see their results.
- Settings [3]: Opens the Scan Settings window.
- Help [4]: Opens a Mastery Connect Guide article in the Instructure Community for troubleshooting issues using GradeCam.
View or Edit Scan Settings

Clicking the GradeCam window Settings button opens the Scan Settings window. You can select a different camera [1] or flip the image 180 degrees [2]. You can change the keystrokes used for exporting [3] or for going to the next line [4]. You can also control how quickly the the keystroke actions occur [5].
To save the settings, click the Save Preferences button [6]. These settings are now the default settings.
Note: You can change the default scan settings at any time in your scanning/exporting settings.
Turn Camera On

In the GradeCam window, click the Enable Camera button [1] or the Enable/Disable Camera button [2].
View Camera Ready

The GradeCam window displays a Ready message and the camera display is black.
Scan Bubble Sheet

Hold the completed bubble sheet so that it displays in the camera window. Make sure that the borders of the bubble sheet box are included.
The scores are automatically be added for each student.
- Make sure all assessment items are GradeCam compatible or contact your district administrator. GradeCam-compatible items are marked with the GradeCam icon in the item list that displays when you edit an item-based assessment.
- If GradeCam scanning is disabled, the assessment may contain technology-enhanced items that are not formatted to scan. Alternatively, the testing window may have been set by the district and is now closed.
Score Using Student View

To score using the student view, click the Student View icon. This allows students to score their own assessments and see their results.
Verify Unclear Responses
While scanning, some answers may be unclear. When a bubble sheet has any of the following situations, you must clarify student answers:
- Student ID number is filled in incorrectly.
- GradeCam reads two responses for one item; for example, one was not erased properly or crossed out.
- The response is left blank.
If any answers are unclear, GradeCam displays a GradeCam Needs Some Help window where you can specify how to record the answers.
To clarify responses, select a student. Then, for each question, click the Record As drop-down menu [2]. Select a lettered response or the Blank option. To record the selected responses, click the Save Changes button [3].
Note: To clear all responses from the scan and record nothing in the tracker for this assessment, click the Do Not Record Scan link [4].
Turn Camera Off

When you are finished scanning, click the Disable Camera button in the GradeCam window.