How do I grade rubric-based items using the Performance Grader?
In Mastery Connect, an assessment may include rubric-based items that you must grade manually. You can assess rubric-based items using the Performance Grader.
You can use the Performance Grader to grade a rubric-based item in an item-based assessment or a document-based assessment.
Score Item-Based Assessment Item
To score an item in an item-based assessment, open the Performance Grader and select a student name [1].
Then, select an item from the item list [2]. By default, items that need grading are listed at the top of the item list and display an NG label [3]. To display items in numerical order, click the Sort by drop-down menu [4] and select the Numerical Order option.
View student response [5].
In the Rubric section below the item, enter a number of points in the Points field [6].

The graded item displays a processing icon [3].
Note: All scored items display a processing icon until you score the assessment.
Score Document-Based Assessment Item
To score a document-based assessment in the Performance Grader, click a student name [1].
Scroll to the item to grade. Names of items to grade begin with Criteria [2].
To grade the item, click a rubric option [3].
Score Assessment
After you finish entering or selecting rubric scores for a student, click the Score Assessment button [1].
The assessment data and scores are automatically added to your tracker.
Note: If you need to re-enter scores or if you made an error, you can discard the scores instead of scoring the assessment. View the number of item scores that will be discarded [2]. Then, click the Discard button [3].