How do I create a benchmark assessment?

As a Mastery Connect district administrator (admin) or a user with benchmark author or benchmark facilitator permission, you can create a benchmark assessment.

You can create a document-based benchmark or an item-based benchmark. A document-based benchmark is administered online or via a bubble sheet and is based on a document located on Google Drive, Dropbox, or on your computer. A document-based benchmark can also be administered via a bubble sheet but have no associated document. An item-based assessment is populated with items from an item bank and is administered online.

After you create a benchmark assessment, you can deliver it to trackers in your district.

Open Assessments

Open Assessments

In the Global Navigation menu click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Assessments option [2].

Open Benchmarks

Open Benchmarks

In the Assessments list, click the Benchmarks link.

Add Benchmark

Click the Add Benchmark button.

Enter Assessment Details

Enter Assessment Details

In the Add Assessment window, use the fields and options to specify assessment details [1].

Fields you must complete or select display an asterisk [2].

Enter Title

Enter Title

Enter an assessment name in the Title field [1]. As you type, you can view the number of characters contained in your title [2] over the number of characters allowed [3].

Select Benchmark Option

Select Benchmark Option

In the Assessment Type area, click the Benchmark radio button.

Select Alignment

Select Alignment

You can create the benchmark based on one of the following:

  • The standards contained in a curriculum map
  • The standards contained in a tracker
  • The standards specified by a subject, core, and grade

Select Curriculum Map Standards

Select Curriculum Map as Source

To align the benchmark to standards in a curriculum map, click the Alignment Source button [1]. Then, click the From a Curriculum Map link [2].

Select Curriculum Map Name

Select Map Name

Select the name of a curriculum map.

View Selected Curriculum Map

View Selected Map

The selected curriculum map name displays [1].

To remove the curriculum map, you can click the Delete icon [2].

Select Tracker Standards

Select Tracker as Source

To align to standards in a tracker, click the Alignment Source button [1]. Then, select the From a Tracker link [2].

Select Tracker Name

Select Tracker Name

Select the name of a tracker.

View Selected Tracker

view Selected Tracker

The selected tracker name displays [1], as well as its standards subject, core, and grade [2].

To remove the tracker, you can click the Delete icon [3].

Select Standards Directly

Select Alignment Directly

To align the benchmark to specific standards rather than to a source such as a curriculum map or tracker, click the Subject, Core, and Class drop-down menus, and make selections.

Select Assessment Source and Privacy

Select Assessment Source and Privacy

Use the Source setting to specify the assessment as item-based or document-based. To create an item-based assessment, click the Item radio button [1]. To create a document-based benchmark assessment, click the Document Based radio button [2].

To set a privacy level for the assessment, click the Privacy drop-down menu [2], and select the Private to My District, Private to Me, or  Private to My School option.

Open Assessment Editor

Open Assessment Editor

To draft the assessment in the Assessment Editor and enter assessment content, click the Next button.

View Draft Assessment

The benchmark assessment displays in the Assessment Editor. If you are creating an item-based assessment, you can add items. If you are creating a document-based assessment, you can upload a document and add questions.