How do I deliver a benchmark assessment to students?

In Mastery Connect, you can deliver a benchmark for students to complete in the Mastery Connect Student Portal, in their web browser, or using your district's LMS.


  • Students who are manually added to the roster in a tracker can not access the student portal.
  • To deliver a benchmark in the Student Portal,  the test ID must be active.
  • To complete an assessment in their web browser, students must have an active test ID and know their student ID numbers.
  • If your district uses Clever, students can log in there to take the assessment in the Student Portal.

Open Assess Window

Open Assess Window

Click the Benchmarks tab [1]. Then, locate the benchmark you want to deliver and click the Assess button [2].

Note: If a benchmark does not appear in the list, contact your district administrator for more information.

View Assess Window

The Assess window displays the six-digit test ID number [1] and the number of days until the test ID number expires [2].

To set a custom expiration time for the test ID, click the Expiration icon [3]. 

View Tools and Accommodations

View Tools and Accommodations

If your district has enabled tools and accommodations for the assessment, the Tools and Accommodations section displays in the Assess window.  

A shaded icon [1] indicates that a tool or accommodation is enabled.

An unshaded icon [2] indicates that a tool or accommodation has not been enabled for the assessment.

Note: District administrators manage tools and accommodations for benchmark assessments.

Generate New Test ID

Generate New Test ID

If the Assess window displays dashes instead of a test ID number [1], your test ID has expired. To generate a new ID, click the Generate new Test ID button [2].  

Note: If tests are in progress when a new test ID is generated, they can not be submitted and students will lose their scores.  Before you generate a new test ID, instruct students to write down their answers. Then, contact your district administrator or Mastery Connect support for further instructions.  

Deliver with Web Browser

View Assess Window

To deliver the assessment to students using a web browser, instruct students to access the login window at [1]. Then, click the Copy Test ID button and share the test ID with students [2].

Note: If you are unable to deliver the assessment yourself, you can designate a test coordinator to administer the assessment to students in their web browsers. Provide the test coordinator with the correct test ID number and access to student ID numbers.

View Student Browser Log In

Direct Student Log In

In the Enter Test ID window, students are prompted to enter the test ID in the text box [1]. Then, the students click the Next button [2].

In the Enter Student ID window, students are prompted to enter their student ID number in the text box [3]. Then, students click the Next button [4].

Students can now complete the assessment in their web browser.


  • Student ID numbers display next to students' names in the trackers they are enrolled in.
  • Student ID numbers also display in the Tracker Students page.
  • If the test is being delivered by a test coordinator, make sure they have a list of student ID numbers available.
  • The student access URL for taking an assessment in a web browser takes the student directly to their assessment and is separate from the student portal.

Deliver in Student Portal

If Mastery Connect is integrated with your district SIS, and the test ID is active, students can complete the assessment in the Student Portal. To make the assessment available, click the Student Portal toggle to display the checkmark.

Deliver with LMS

If your district uses an LMS, you can deliver the assessment in the LMS. To copy the URL, click the Copy button, then paste the URL in the LMS interface.  

Note: If you are delivering an assessment to students in Canvas, learn about administering a Mastery Connect assessment in your Canvas course.