How do I create a benchmark assessment containing rubric criteria items?

As a Mastery Connect administrator, benchmark facilitator, or benchmark author, you can create a document-based benchmark assessment that contains rubric criteria items.

Benchmark assessments can be delivered to trackers in your district.

You can learn more about deputizing staff to deliver benchmarks.


  • You can also add rubric criteria items to an item-based benchmark assessment.
  • Teachers can grade rubric criteria items on a benchmark assessment using the Performance Grader, unless secure benchmarking mode is enabled. If a benchmark requires rubric criteria items, you may want to create a separate benchmark containing only the rubric criteria items. Then, do not enable secure benchmarking mode so that teachers can grade the items using the Performance Grader.

Open Assessments

Open Assessments

In the Global Navigation menu click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, select the Assessments option [2].

Open Benchmarks

Open Benchmark

In the Assessments list, click the Benchmarks link.

Add Benchmark

Click the Add Benchmark button.

Enter Assessment Details

Enter Assessment Details

In the Add Assessment window, use the fields and options to specify assessment details [1]. Fields you must complete or select display an asterisk [2].

Click the Document Based source radio button [3].

Learn more about creating a benchmark assessment and opening the Assessment Editor.

To open the Assessment Editor and create an assessment draft, click the Next button [4].

View Draft Assessment

The benchmark assessment displays in the Assessment Editor. To add rubric-based items, click the Add Questions button.

Learn more about how to create a document-based benchmark assessment.

Add Rubric Criteria Questions

Add Rubric Criteria Question

In the Add question window, select the number of questions to add [1].

Click the Question type drop-down menu and select the Rubric Criteria option [2].

Click the Select Standard drop-down menu and select a standard [3].

Then, click the Submit button [4].

Manage Question Details

By default, each rubric criteria question includes four rating blocks with values of 0-3 points. To change the number of ratings you want to use for a question, click the Plus and Minus icons [1].

To change the pre-populated value for a rating, delete the existing number and enter the new value in the rating box [2]. Each subsequent rating you add will have a point value that is one higher than the highest number currently in the series.

To delete a question from the assessment, click the Remove icon [3].

Edit Cut Scores

Edit Cut Scores

To edit mastery cut scores, click the Scoring button [1].

To change mastery cut scores for the assessment, enter the new minimum scores for mastery or near mastery in the Mastery Level fields [2].

If a question is worth more than one point, to adjust mastery levels for the question, enter new minimum scores for mastery and near mastery in the item's Mastery or Near Mastery fields [3].

To save changes, click the Save button [4].

To cancel your entries, click the Cancel button [5].

To return to your district's default mastery settings, click the Defaults button [6].

Note: When one mastery cut score is changed, all other cut scores change to maintain the correct total percentage or points.

Exit or Create

Edits are saved automatically, the most recent edit displays in the saved message [1].

To exit the assessment editor and retain the draft state, click the Exit button [2].

To create the assessment, click the Create Assessment button [3].