How do I add sections to a benchmark item-based assessment?

As a Mastery Connect district administrator or user with benchmark author or benchmark facilitator permission, you can add sections to a benchmark assessment. This allows you to enable assessment tools per section.

Open Assessments

Open Assessments

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, select the Assessments option [2].

Open Benchmarks

Open Benchmarks

In the Assessments list, click the Benchmarks link.

Add Benchmark

Create or edit an item-based benchmark assessment. To create an assessment, click the Add Benchmark button [1]. Then, follow the steps to create a benchmark assessment.

To edit an assessment, click the More Options icon [2], then click the Edit link [3].

Add Section After Items

In the Assessment Editor, you can create a section and then add items to it. To create a section at the bottom of the item list, click the Add Item icon [1]. Then, click the Create Section link [2].

Add Section Between Items

Add Section Between Items

To add a section between two items, hover the cursor in the space between the items [1] until the Add Item icon displays. Then, click the Add Item icon [2], and click the Create Section link [3].

View Sections

View Sections

Section headers display in the Item Organizer.

Move or Delete Section

Move or Delete Section

To move a section, hover the cursor over the section header name, and click the Move icon [1]. Then, drag the section to a new location between items [2].

To delete a section, hover the cursor over the section header name, then click the Remove link [3].