How do I manage assessments that were scored incorrectly?
In Mastery Connect, you may discover assessment items containing errors which lead to incorrect scoring. If you discover items with errors that affect the scoring and students have already taken the assessment, you can correct their scores. Additionally, you can create a correct version of the assessment by cloning it and replacing the incorrect item.
Edit Overall Score for Single-Standard Assessment

For a single-standard item-based assessment, follow the steps for editing a student score in a tracker. In the Standard Details page, locate the Assessment column [1], and edit the overall score [2].
Increase or decrease the total points earned by the number of points the item is worth. For example, if the student's answer to an item worth 1 point was scored as incorrect but should have been scored as correct, increase the total points earned by 1 point.
Edit Overall Score for Multi-Standard Assessment

For a multi-standard item-based assessment, follow the steps for editing a student score in a tracker. In the Assessment Details page, locate the standard associated with the item [1], and edit the overall score [2].
Increase or decrease the total points earned by the number of points the item is worth. For example, if the student's answer to an item worth 1 point was scored as incorrect but should have been scored as correct, increase the total points earned by 1 point.
Clone Assessment
To prevent future students from taking the assessment containing an incorrectly scored item, create a new assessment without the incorrectly scored item. In the Assessments page, click the assessment's More icon [1], then click the Clone link [2].
Learn more about cloning an assessment.
Replace Item
To rename the clone, hover over the assessment title and click the Edit icon [1]. Enter a new name to indicate it is a similar but different assessment.
To remove the incorrect item, click the More icon [2], then click the Remove link [3].
To replace the incorrect item with an item associated with the same standard, click the Add button [4]. You can author a new item or add one from an item bank that is aligned to the same standard as the removed item.
Note: If you created the incorrect item, you can clone the item, edit it, and replace the incorrect item with the clone. Learn more about cloning an item within an assessment or cloning an item in an item bank.