How do I print student multi-standard formative assessment scores from a tracker?
In Mastery Connect, you can print student assessment scores for multi-standard formative assessments from a tracker. You can customize the list of students and the assessment items included in assessment score printouts.
Notes: You can also print student scores for benchmark assessments or single-standard formative assessments from a tracker.
How do I print student multi-standard formative assessment scores from a tracker?
Learn how to print student multi-standard formative assessment scores from a tracker using Masteryconnect with this comprehensive guide.
1. Click "Trackers"
Access the Trackers section.
2. Click Tracker Name Link
Select the specific Tracker 1.
3. Click Assessment Name
Navigate to Assessment 1 LC.
4. Click Standard Name
Choose the specific assessment standard.
5. Click "Print Scores"
Initiate the printing of student scores.
6. Deselect Students and Questions
Select the questions for printing.
7. Select Additional Print Options
View student scores for printing.
8. Click "Print"
Print the selected student scores.
9. View and Print
Handle any errors encountered during printing.
This guide walked you through the process of accessing, selecting, and printing student assessment scores from Masteryconnect, ensuring efficient printing of multi-standard formative assessment data for employee training purposes.