How do I edit a benchmark assessment?

Mastery Connect district administrators (admins) and users who have been given benchmark author or benchmark facilitator permission can make edits to benchmark assessments.

Editing options differ based on the benchmark's status, and are limited if the benchmark has been distributed to trackers, or if it has scores associated with it.

Note: After you edit an assessment, staff can apply the assessment updates in their trackers. They can also choose to ignore the updates for their trackers.

Open Assessments

Open Assessments

To edit an assessment, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, select the Assessments option [2].

Open Benchmarks

Open Benchmarks

In the Assessments list, click the Benchmarks link.

Open Assessment

In the Assessments page, find the assessment using the search bar and the filters [1]. To find assessments you created, click the Created By filter drop-down menu and select the Me option [2]. To view more filters, click the Expand icon [3].

When you locate the assessment you want to edit, click the More Options icon [4]. Then, click the Edit option [5].

Revert to Draft

Revert to Draft

If the assessment you select has already been created, the Edit Assessment window displays. To revert the assessment to a draft state, click the Revert to Draft button.

Note: Previously authored items will remain published.

Edit Assessment in Use

Edit Assessment in Use

If you are editing an assessment has been delivered to a tracker, the Assessment in Use message displays. If a benchmark has already been delivered to a tracker, you can make limited edits. To open the Assessment Editor, click the Continue button.

Edit Assessment

If the assessment is in use in a tracker or has already been taken by students, you can make limited changes. In an item-based benchmark assessment already in a tracker, you can make edits to the title, description, and scoring. In a document-based benchmark assessment already in a tracker, you can also edit answer keys and points.

In the Assessment Editor, make the necessary edits. Edits are saved automatically.

To leave the assessment in draft state, click the Exit button [1].

To create the assessment, click the Create Assessment button [2].