How do I use autofill to enter assessment scores?
In Mastery Connect, the autofill feature allows you to quickly score an assessment by automatically entering the same score in all of the empty score boxes in the assessment.
Open Tracker
In the Global Navigation menu, click the Trackers tab [1]. Then, click the tracker name link [2].
Open Assessment

In the Tracker View window, locate the standard that includes the assessment that you want to update. Then, to open the assessment click the standard name.
Enter Scores

In the Assessment View page, manually enter any scores that are different from the score you want to autofill [1].
In one of the remaining empty boxes, enter the score that you want to autofill and highlight the score [2].
To automatically fill all of the empty boxes, press the Shift+C keys on your keyboard simultaneously.
View Updated Assessment

The assessment displays the autofilled scores.