How do I clone an item from within an assessment?

In Mastery Connect, when an item-based assessment is in the draft state, you can clone individual items in the Assessment Editor.

Cloning creates a draft copy of the item in the Item Organizer that can be edited, or moved to a different item bank.

Note: Items from third-party item banks can be cloned if this feature is available in your district.

Open Assessments  

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Assessments link.

Open Assessment

Open Assessment

Click the Drafts tab [1]. Then, locate the item-based assessment that includes the item, and click the assessment name link [2].

Clone Item

Clone Item

In the Item Organizer, locate the item you want to clone and click the Options icon [1]. Then, click the Clone option [2].

Note: For items from third-party item banks, if the Clone option does not appear in the drop-down menu, cloning third-party items has been disabled for your district.

Select Destination Bank  

View Clone Message

The Clone Item window displays.

To select the bank where you want to add the clone, click the Destination Bank drop-down window [1]. Then, click the item bank link [2].

Click the Clone button [3].

Note: If you do not have access to more than one item bank, the Destination Bank drop-down displays as shaded.

Edit Clone

Edit Clone

In the list, the cloned item displays in draft state below the source item.

To edit the clone, click the Options icon [1].

To select a new alignment for the clone, click the Standard drop-down menu [2].

To move the item to a different item bank, click the Item Bank drop-down menu [3].

To edit the item, click the Edit link [4].

To move the item within the list, click the Move link [5].

To remove the item from the assessment, click the Delete link [6].