How do I print student benchmark assessment scores from a tracker?

In Mastery Connect, you can print student scores for benchmark assessments from your trackers. You can print all student scores for all items, or you can customize the list of students and the assessment items included in the printouts.


How do I print student benchmark assessment scores from a tracker?

How do I print student benchmark assessment scores from a tracker?

1. Open Trackers

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Trackers link.
Open Trackers

2. Open Tracker

In the Trackers page, find the tracker that contains the assessment and click the tracker name link.
Open Tracker

3. Open Students

Click the Students tab.
Open Students

4. Open Benchmark

Locate the benchmark you want to open, and click the assessment name header.
Open Benchmark

5. Open Assessment Options

The Assessment Details page displays all standards associated with the assessment. To view assessment options and print assessment scores, click any standard name link.
Open Assessment Options

6. Open Print Scores

In the Assessment Details window, click the Print Scores tab.
Open Print Scores

7. Deselect Students

By default, all students in the tracker list are selected for the printout. However, you can modify the list of students included in the printout by clicking the checkboxes to deselect student names.
Deselect Students

8. Deselect Items

By default, all items are selected for the printout. However, you can modify the list of assessment items included in the printout. /To remove items from the printout, click a checkbox to deselect.
Deselect Items

9. Show Open Response Answers

To include student responses for rubric-based open response items on the printout, click the Show open response answers checkbox.
Show Open Response Answers

10. Print Scores

To print the benchmark assessment scores, click the Print button.
Print Scores
This guide covered how to print student benchmark assessment scores from a tracker.