How do I deliver a linked Mastery Connect assessment via Canvas LTI as an external tool?
Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) allows you to integrate Mastery Connect with Canvas. In order to link a mastery tracker to your Canvas course, your Instructure Customer Success Manager (CSM) must first set up an LTI connection between your instances of Canvas and Mastery Connect. If you do not see the Mastery Tracker link in your Canvas Course Navigation, contact your CSM.
Assessments linked via LTI may experience the following limitations:
- Mastery Connect rubric and raw score assessments cannot be linked to a Canvas assignment.
- Grade pass back does not work for Mastery Connect assessments that contain any rubric-scored items, even if the assessment can be linked to a Canvas assignment.
Note: These limitations do not apply to accounts that have upgraded their Mastery Connect and Canvas LTI Integration. For more information about the new upgraded integration, contact your account administrator or CSM.
Open Course Assignments

Log in to Canvas, and open the course to which you would like to add the assessment.
In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
Add New Assignment

Click the Add Assignment button.
Add Assessment Title

In the Assignment Name box, enter the title of your assessment.
Enter Assessment Points

In the Points box, enter the total points available for the assessment. This must match the points of the assessment that you're linking to in Mastery Connect.
Configure Assessment Details

Click the Submission Type drop-down list, and select the External Tool option [1].
To select the Mastery Connect LTI, click the Find button [2], and select the Mastery Connect LTI connection.
Leave the Load This Tool In a New Tab checkbox deselected.
Set Assessment Due Date

You can add an optional due date [1], or set up a window of time during which the assessment is available [2]. You can learn more about adding Canvas assignment details.
To save and publish the assignment, click the Save & Publish button [3].
Open Tracker
Mastery Connect opens in your Canvas window.
In the Global Navigation menu, click the Trackers tab [1], and then click the tracker name link [2].
Open Mastery Connect Standard

In the Tracker View page, click the standard name link associated with your assessment.
Open Assess Window

Locate the assessment [1], and click the Assess button [2].
Note: If you’re working with a multi-standard assessment, click the title of the assessment. Then on the Assessment Details page, locate any standard and click the Assess button.
Link Assessment to LMS
In the Assess window, click the Link To LMS button.
The assessment is now linked to your course in Canvas and is available to your students in the tracker you edited.
Note: If you have all your students/sections linked to one course in Canvas, please create a separate assignment to link to each tracker. To link the assignment to the specific assessment in each individual tracker, you need a separate Canvas assignment for each tracker.