How do I troubleshoot GradeCam?
While scanning bubble sheets using GradeCam, you may encounter issues. GradeCam may be working but not scanning properly, the image is upside down, or GradeCam may not be working at all.
- If you are scanning a bubble sheet with an unreadable or blank answer, or you are getting a Student ID Scan Error, learn about verifying unclear responses during scanning.
- If the suggestions for troubleshooting fail to resolve your issue, contact Mastery Connect Support for further assistance. (Do not contact GradeCam support directly.)
GradeCam Not Scanning Bubble Sheets Correctly

If GradeCam is working, but not scanning bubble sheets correctly, investigate the following:
Do the student IDs on the bubble sheet match the student IDs in the tracker?
Are you using blank bubble sheets that are not pre-populated with student IDs?
- The student IDs on the bubble sheet must match the student IDs in the tracker.
- If the length of the student IDs on the bubble sheet is greater than the actual length of the student ID, you must add zeroes to all empty boxes in front of the ID.
Is the Test ID expired?
- If GradeCam is not loading the student's answers, the test ID may be expired. Learn how to change the test ID expiration date.
Does the assessment have technology-enhanced items that are not formatted to scan? Do any of the items in the item list not have the GradeCam icon?
- If items do not have the GradeCam icon in the item list, they cannot be scanned.
Does the bubble sheet include enough questions?
- If GradeCam is registering your assessment and highlights the bubble sheet with a box but will not scan, make sure the bubble sheet contains the same amount of questions as the assessment.
For example, if you have a test with multiple choice and rubric criteria, the rubric criteria will be left blank for later grading by the teacher, but the bubble sheet must still include at least as many questions as the assessment. For example, if an assessment has 15 questions, 10 multiple choice and five rubric, you need at least 15 questions on the bubble sheet, even if the last five are intentionally left blank.
Is the entire bubble sheet in view in the camera window, including the surrounding border?
- The camera must be focused on the bubble sheet.
- The entire bubble sheet must be in view.
- Try cleaning the camera lens.
Are there any additional markings on the bubble sheet, such as circles, writing, or student doodling?
- These markings can interfere with scanning.
Is the bubble sheet printed on plain white paper?
- Colored paper can interfere with scanning.
Is the camera in a well-lit place?
- Shadows, inadequate lighting, and glare can interfere with scanning.
Does a GradeCam window display?
- If you are scanning a bubble sheet with an unreadable or blank answer, or you are getting a Student ID Scan Error, learn about verifying unclear responses during scanning.
Image is Upside Down

If the camera image is upside down, click the Settings icon in the GradeCam window.

In the Scan Settings window, click the Flip Image checkbox [1]. Then click the Save Preferences button [2].
GradeCam Not Working At All

If GradeCam is not working at all, you can verify that it works at the GradeCam website, apart from Mastery Connect. To open the GradeCam website, click the following URL link:
Verify Browser Support

To verify that you are using a supported browser, click the Browser Support link [1]. Then verify that your browser is supported [2].
Verify Latest Version

To verify that you are using the latest version of the GradeCam plugin, click the Install GradeCam link [1]. Then, to install the latest plugin, click the Download link [2].
Note: If you are using a Mac, you must find and uninstall the old plugin before you install the new one. Do a Spotlight search for “gcplugin” to find older versions. If you are not sure how to delete these on a Mac, please contact your System Administrator or Mastery Connect Support.
Verify Camera

To verify that your camera is compatible with GradeCam, click the Select Camera link [1]. Then select a camera from the drop-down list [2].
Note: Only compatible cameras appear in the list.
Test Scanning

If you are still having issues, you can test GradeCam by clicking the Try Scanning link. Then, scan a bubble sheet.
Request Assistance
If GradeCam still isn't working, if you are unable to perform any of these steps, or if these steps do not resolve your GradeCam issues, talk to your system administrator. It may be that you do not have admin access to change settings, or that some settings (such as the firewall allow list) can only be adjusted by your administrator.