How do I manage benchmarks as a teacher?

As a teacher, you can manage  your benchmarks from the Mastery Connect Home page. The Benchmark tab displays all available benchmarks, and allows you to generate and view test IDs, view delivery windows, and access the Performance Grader without opening your trackers.

Note: If an administrator (admin) has enabled secure benchmarking mode on a benchmark, you cannot access the Performance Grader and other details for the benchmark.

How do I manage benchmarks as a teacher?

How do I manage benchmarks as a teacher?

1. Select Benchmarks

From the home page, click the Benchmarks tab.
Select Benchmarks

2. View Benchmarks

The Benchmarks tab displays a list of benchmarks that were delivered to your trackers, in order of availability window. Benchmarks closing soonest display at the top.
View Benchmarks

3. Select Benchmark Name

To open the benchmark details window, click the benchmark name link.
Select Benchmark Name

4. View Benchmark Details

In the benchmark details window, you can view assessment information, reports, notes/dates, and privacy settings. You can also print bubble sheets. If an admin has enabled secure benchmarking mode on a benchmark, all benchmark details may not display.
View Benchmark Details

5. Select Section Name

To view a list of students in the tracker, click the section link.
Select Section Name

6. View Benchmark Progress

In the Benchmarks tab, you can view the number of students in the tracker who have assessment scores, the benchmark availability status, and the availability window dates.
View Benchmark Progress

7. Select Section Name

To view a list of students in the tracker, click the section link.
Select Section Name

8. Select Assess

To open the Assess window and view assessment administration information, click the Assess button.
Select Assess

9. Close the Assess Window

The Assess window displays benchmark administration information, including the test ID, the expiration window, and the assessment tools and accommodations. To close the Assess window, click the Close button.
Close the Assess Window

10. Select Performance Grader

To view student answers and scores, click the Performance Grader button. If an admin has enabled secure benchmarking mode on a benchmark, you cannot access the Performance Grader.
Select Performance Grader

11. Select Needs Grading

If a benchmark has rubric scoring items that require grading, the Needs Grading button displays. To open the Performance Grader and grade rubric scoring items, click the Needs Grading button.
Select Needs Grading
This guide covered how to manage benchmarks as a teacher.