How do I install GradeCam for Aver cameras?

In Mastery Connect, if you have the GradeCam plugin installed, you can enable GradeCam scanning with the AVer camera.

Note: To enable scanning with the AVer camera, you must have the most current version of the AVer driver on your computer.

Download Driver

To install the current version of the AVer driver, open the following URL:

At the AVer support website, click the Document Cameras button [1].

Find the name of your camera model in the Document Cameras or Discontinued Products list, then click the camera name link [2].

Install Driver

Download Aver Driver

In the Download for menu, find your operating system and click the appropriate button [1].

To download the current version of the driver, click the driver name link [2].

In the downloads folder on your computer, locate the plug-in and double click the extension to run and install the file.   

Restart your computer and relaunch your browser.

Note: The driver name link is the first link in the New Version list.


  • Make sure that your AVer camera is plugged in to your computer via the USB cable.
  • Make sure the correct camera source is selected in the Scanning/Exporting settings in your Mastery Connect account.
  • If you have difficulty scanning bubble sheets, you can troubleshoot scanning issues in the GradeCam Troubleshooting article.