How do I take an enhanced accommodations assessment as a student?
As a student, enhanced tools and accommodations may be available for you to use when you take an assessment in the student portal, or in your browser window. Enhanced accommodations (EA) assessments provide you with an intuitive interface and more accessibility options.
- The tools shown in this lesson may not be available in all assessments.
- Enhanced accommodations can be customized by your teacher or school administrator. If you need a tool that is not available, check with your teacher.
Navigate Assessment Questions
EA assessments include simple question navigation tools [1]. To navigate through the assessment questions, click the navigation buttons [2] or the arrow buttons [3]. The progress bar shows you how much of the assessment you have completed [4].
Pause Assessment
To pause or resume the assessment, you can click the Pause button. If you need to log out of the system, pausing the assessment will save your work.
View Assessment Toolbar

Additional assessment tools display in the Assessment Toolbar [1]. To enter full screen mode, click the Full Screen icon [2].
To review the assessment, click the Review icon [3].
To adjust your accessibility options click the Accessibility icon [4].
- You may have additional tools available for you to use in assessments. If you do not see a tool that you want to use, check with your teacher.
- You may also have text-to-speech tools or dictionary tools available to use.
View Accessibility Options

Accessibility features can be adjusted to suit your needs. To adjust accessibility features, click the Accessibility icon in the Assessment Toolbar [1].
The interface automatically opens to the Color scheme tab [2]. Select the interface contrast level by clicking the appropriate radio button [3].
To select an interface font size, click the Font size tab [4], then select the font size you want the assessment to display by clicking a radio button [5].
To view the keyboard shortcuts to zoom in and out in the assessment interface, click the Zoom tab [6].
When you are done adjusting accessibility features, click the OK button [7].
Answer Questions
To answer fill-in questions, click the Answer drop-down and select the correct answer from the list [1].
To answer multiple choice and true/false questions, click the radio button that corresponds with the correct answer. For multi-select questions, multiple radio buttons can be selected.
Use Review Feature
To review a specific question before you submit the assessment, click the number of the question you want to review [1].
To exit the Review tool, click the Close icon [2].
Submit Assessment
When you have answered all of the questions in the assessment, the Finish button displays as shaded. To submit the assessment click the Finish button [1].
The submit activity dialog box displays asking for submission confirmation. To confirm that you want to submit the assessment, click the Yes button [2].
To return to the assessment, click the No button [3].
Note: You will not be able to reopen the assessment after you click the Yes button.
View Score Window

If your teacher has enabled Show Scores to Students Upon Completion, the scoring window displays the following information:
- The number of points earned over the number of points possible [1].
- The total percentage of correct answers on the assessment [2].
- The standards that the questions align with [3].
- The number of points earned over the number of points possible for each standard [4].
- The mastery level achieved on each standard [5].
To close the completion window, click the Done button [6].
View Submission Window

If your teacher has not enabled Show Scores to Students Upon Completion, or if there are questions on the assessment that must be manually scored by your teacher, the completion window displays the green check mark [1].
To close the completion window, click the Done button [2].