How do I print an assessment?

In Mastery Connect, you can print a created assessment by opening it from the Assessments page.

Note: Most item types are printable. If an assessment includes an unprintable item type, the placeholder text "This question was not included in the printed assessment as it is an unsupported question type" displays in the printed assessment.

How do I print an assessment?

How do I print an assessment?

1. Click "Assessments"

Access the Assessments section.

Click 'Assessments'

2. Search and Filter Assessments

In the Assessments page, find the assessment to download using the search bar and the filters.

Search and Filter Assessments

3. Click Assessment Name

To open the assessment, click the Assessment Name.

Click Assessment Name

4. Click "Print"

To review and print a PDF of the assessment, click the Print icon.

Click 'Print'

This guide covered how to print an assessment.