How do I print a quiz in New Quizzes?

You can print your quizzes in New Quizzes. You can either print a quiz key with answers shown or print a blank quiz with no answers. Quizzes can be printed on paper or saved to your computer as a PDF file.

Note: Only users who can edit quizzes can print them.

Open Build Page

To print a quiz, find the quiz you want to open [1].

To open the Build page, click the Options icon [2] and then click the Build link [3].

Select Text Size

Select Text Size

To select a text size for the printed quiz, select a text size option [1]. You can print the quiz with medium text, large text, or extra large text. Medium text is the default size.

To remember your text size setting, click the Remember text size setting checkbox [2].

To open the print preview, click the Print Preview button [3].

Select Print Options

New Quizzes uses your browser's print dialog window to print the quiz. You can select a different printer, and choose other printing options, such as layout, pages, and color printing options.

To print your quiz, click the Print button.

To save your quiz as a PDF file, select the Save as PDF option in your browser's print dialog window.