How do I set a default grade for an assignment in the Gradebook?
If you want to set a default grade for a certain assignment, use the assignment drop-down menu. Default grades can either be applied to all students or only students who have not yet received a grade.
- When Multiple Grading Periods are enabled in a course, you cannot set a default grade for any assignment that has at least one student in a closed grading period.
- When Moderated Grading is enabled for an assignment, the Set Default Grade option is not available before grades are released.
- Submission status is not factored into default grade application.
Open Grades

In Course Navigation, click the Grades link.
Open Assignment Menu

Hover over the assignment column header and click the Options icon.
Set Default Grade

Click the Set Default Grade link.
Create Default Grades

Type the default grade value in the Grade Value field [1]. If you would like to overwrite existing grades for the assignment, select the Overwrite already-entered grades checkbox [2].
Click the Set Default Grade button [3].
- If the Grade Value field is left empty and the Overwrite already-entered grades checkbox is checked, all assignment grades will be removed.
- A default grade will be assigned to students regardless of submission status.
- To have all assignments default grade set as missing, enter mi into the grade value field.
Verify Default Grades

Click the OK button.
View New Grades

Default grades are automatically entered for all students who have no grade and who never had a grade. However, if the student had a grade and it was deleted, the default grade is not applied, unless you selected the Overwrite checkbox.
To change a grade, click the default grade and enter in an updated score.