How do I export a New Quiz from a course?
If you need to export content from New Quizzes, you can export quiz content as a QTI ZIP file.
If your institution has enabled the New Quizzes Migration During Course Import/Copy feature option, you can also convert quizzes in QTI packages to the New Quizzes format when using the Course Import Tool.
Open Quizzes

In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.
Note: You can also access quizzes from the Assignments page.
Open Build Page
To export a quiz, find the quiz you want to open [1].
To open the Build page, click the Options icon [2] and then click the Build link [3].
Open Exports

Click the Exports tab.
Create Export

Click the Create Export button.
View Quiz Export

When the export is complete, click the Quiz Export link.