How do I create a cloud assignment with a Microsoft Office 365 file?
You can create an online assignment that embeds a document directly from your Microsoft Office 365 (OneDrive) folder. Accepted assignment types are Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
When students open the assignment, Office 365 will create a copy of the file as the student’s submission. Students can open the document and make changes per the assignment instructions. When they are ready to submit the assignment, they can return to the Canvas assignment page and submit the assignment. The copied document is also added to the student’s OneDrive folder for the course. You can also view each student's document copy in SpeedGrader for grading.
Submitted assignments are converted to a PDF to show the assignment at the time of submission. If students made any changes to their assignment, they will have to resubmit it for the changes to be visible in SpeedGrader.
The Microsoft Office 365 LTI currently includes a few limitations when creating assignments:
- You cannot use Microsoft Office 365 files in an external tool for group assignments.
- If you want to use a Canvas rubric for the assignment, you must add the rubric before setting the External Tool submission type. Create the assignment with any other submission type, save the assignment, add the rubric, and then edit the assignment to select the External Tool.
- If you want your assignment to be moderated, you must set up the moderated assignment before setting the External Tool submission type. If you need to return to the moderate page after the External Tool is added, open the assignment and add /moderate after the assignment URL.
Open Assignments

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
Add Assignment

Click the Add Assignment button.
Add Assignment Details

Enter the number of points for the assignment [1], select the Assignment Group [2], and select the grading type from the Display Grade as menu [3].
Note: When adding a Microsoft Office 365 assignment it overwrites the title and description in the assignment settings.
Select Submission Type

In the Submission Type drop-down menu, select the External Tool option.
Note: If you want to use a Canvas rubric for the assignment, you must add the rubric before setting the External Tool submission type. Additionally, if you want to apply moderated grading, you must set up moderated grading before setting the External Tool submission type.
Find External Tool

Click the Find button.
Configure External Tool

Locate and select Office 365 Cloud Assignment [1].
If you want the assignment to load in a new tab, click the Load in a new tab checkbox [2]. Click the Select button [3].
Attach File

Locate and select the file you want to link to the assignment [1]. Click the Attach File button [2].
Select Tool

In the External Tool window, view the URL for your assignment file [1]. To select a different file, click the Office 365 link again.
If you want the assignment to load in a new tab, click the Load in a new tab checkbox [2].
Click the Select button [3].
Save and Publish

If you are ready to publish your assignment, click the Save & Publish button [1]. If you want to create a draft of your assignment and publish it later, click the Save button [2].
View Assignment

View the assignment.