How do I reorder questions or question groups in a quiz?
You can move quiz questions or groups after you've created them. You can manually drag and drop the question or group, or you can use the Move option, which is also accessible for keyboard users.
You can also reorder questions within a question group. However, please note that quiz ordering inside a question group is only a quiz management tool for instructors. Your students will always see questions from a group in a random order.
Note: To help identify quiz questions in the Move dialog menu, make sure each quiz question or group has a specific name.
Open Quizzes

In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.
Select Quiz Engine

If your course has New Quizzes enabled, you must select a quiz engine.
To select New Quizzes, click the New Quizzes option [1].
To create a classic quiz, click the Classic Quizzes option [2].
Then click the Submit button [3].
Note: Learn more about creating a quiz using New Quizzes.?
Edit Quiz

Locate the quiz you want to edit. Click the quiz Options icon [1], then click the Edit link [2].
Locate Quiz Question or Group

Locate the question or group you want to move.
Reorder with Drag and Drop Option
You can use the drag and drop option to reorder quiz questions or groups.
Drag Question

Hover over the drag handle next to the question or group. A pointer icon will appear.

Click and drag the question or group to the desired location.
Drag Question into Question Group

If your quiz has a question group that does not pull questions from a question bank, you can drag and drop questions in and out of the question group.
Reorder with Move Option
If you have a large quiz, you may want to use the Move option to reorder your quiz.
Open Move Dialog Menu

Click the drag handle next to the quiz question or group.
Move Quiz Question or Group

In the Place drop-down menu [1], choose the new location where you want to place the question or group. You can place the question before or after another quiz question or group. Click the Save button [2].
Move Question into Question Group

If your quiz contains at least one question group, the quiz creates a Question Group option.
To move a question into a question group, click the Question Group drop-down menu [1] and select the group name. The Place drop-down menu [2] will update with location options within the selected group. Select the location of the question in the question group. If no questions exist in the group, the quiz defaults to the bottom of the group. Click the Save button [3].
Note: To move a question out of a question group, select the Top Level option in the question group menu. Then click the Place drop-down menu to select the new location.