How do I allow or disallow announcement replies in a course?

By default, comments are disabled for announcements. When you create an announcement, you can allow comments on that announcement by selecting the Allow users to comment checkbox in the announcement options. Additionally, if an announcement allows users to comment, you can require students to post to the announcement before seeing other replies. The Allow users to comment option is persistent, meaning the option you select when creating or editing an announcement will carry over when you create a new announcement in the course.

You can also allow or disallow comments after an announcement is posted.

Note: If the Allow users to comment checkbox does not display, allowing comments on announcements is disabled in Course Settings. To enable comments on announcements for a course, learn more about managing course details. If the option to manage comments on announcements is unavailable in Course Settings, it may have been locked for all courses by your Canvas administrator.

Open Announcements

Open Announcements

In Course Navigation, click the Announcements link.

Add Announcement

Add Announcement

Click the Add Announcement button.

Allow Comments

Allow Announcement Comments

Click the Allow users to comment checkbox [1]. You can also require students to reply to a post before seeing other replies [2].

The Allow users to comment option is persistent, meaning the option you select when creating or editing an announcement will carry over when you create a new announcement in the course.

Save Announcement

Save Announcement

Click the Save button.

Close in Announcements Page

To close an announcement for comments from the index page, locate the announcement. Click the Options icon [1] and click the Disallow Comments link [2].

To close more than one announcement for comments from the index page, click the checkbox next to each announcement [3] and click the Lock Reply button [4].

Open for Comments

To open an announcement for comments, locate the announcement and click the Options icon [1], then click the Allow Comments link [2].

To open more than one announcement for comments from the index page, click the checkbox next to each announcement [3] and click the Lock Reply button [4].

Close Individual Open Announcement

To close comments in an open announcement, click the name of the announcement.

Close for Comments

Close for Comments

Click the Options icon [1], then click the Close for Comments link [2].

View Announcement

View Announcement

View the announcement closed to comments.

Open for Comments

Open for Comments

To open the announcement for comments, click the Options icon [1] and click the Open for Comments link [2].