How do I use the course Outcomes page in Improved Outcomes Management?
Outcomes are used to track mastery in a course. From the Outcomes page, you can create and manage outcomes, create and manage outcome groups, and import outcomes.
This lesson displays how to use the Outcomes page in a course within an account that has enabled the Improved Outcomes Management feature option. If the Outcomes page in your course displays differently than the images in this lesson, learn how to use the course outcomes page in the classic Outcomes page view.
Open Outcomes

In Course Navigation, click the Outcomes link.
View Outcomes Page
The Outcomes page opens to the Manage tab [1]. From the Manage tab, you can view and manage outcomes and outcome groups.
To view and manage outcome mastery scales in a course, click the Mastery tab [2].
To view and manage outcome mastery calculations in a course, click the Calculation tab [3].
To view aligned items in a course, click the Alignments tab [4].
To import outcomes into your course, click the Import button [5].
To create a new outcome, click the Create button [6].
To find an outcome to add to your course, click the Find button [7].
View Outcome Groups
From the Outcome Groups window, you can view all the outcome groups in your course [1].
To view an outcome group, click the name of the group [2]. Any outcome groups nested within that group display below the primary group [3]. Outcome group details, including all outcomes that belong to the group, display in the Outcomes window [4].
To create a new outcome group, click a Create New Group link [5]. Outcome groups can be created at the course level or within another outcome group.
You can adjust the size of the Outcome Groups and Outcomes windows by clicking and dragging the divider bar [6].
View Outcome Group Settings

To view the Settings menu for an outcome group, click the Settings icon [1].
To edit an outcome group, click the Edit link [2].
To remove an outcome from your course, click the Remove link [3].
To move an outcome group, click the Move link [4].
To add outcomes, click the Add Outcomes link [5].
To import outcomes, click the Import Outcomes link [6].
To view the description for an outcome group, click the View Description link [7].
View Outcomes
When you select an outcome group, all outcomes in that group display in the Outcomes window [1]. The window displays the number of outcomes in the group [2].
To search for an outcome, enter the outcome name in the Search field [3].
Each outcome displays its name [4] and description [5]. To view more description text, click the Expand icon [6].
To remove or move multiple outcomes, click the checkboxes for the outcomes [7]. The Outcomes window displays the number of outcomes selected in the Outcomes Selected link [8]. To view the names of the outcomes selected, click the Outcomes Selected link.
To remove multiple outcomes from the course, click the Remove button [9]. To move multiple outcomes, click the Move button [10].
View Outcome Settings

To view the Settings menu for an outcome, click the Settings icon [1].
To edit the outcome, click the Edit link [2].
To view the assignments aligned to the outcome, click the Alignments link [3].
To move the outcome, click the Move link [4].
To remove the outcome from the course, click the Remove link [5].