How do I change the format of a course ePub export file?
As an instructor, you can allow users to download your course as an ePub file using an ePub reader. You can also select the format for the course ePub file.
The default ePub organization is by module, meaning only items that students have access to view in each module will be included in the ePub file. Locked modules list either their pre-requisites or the unlock date, as well as the items that are contained within that module (though not the actual content of those items themselves).
If you do not want the ePub file to be organized by Modules, you can choose to set your course organization by content type (e.g. assignments, quizzes, etc.).
- ePub Exporting is currently a course feature option. To enable this feature, learn how to manage feature options in the course features lesson. If the ePub Exporting option is not available for your course, your institution admin has disabled and locked the ePub account feature option.
- If your account does not display the ePub Export option, your institution may only allow you to manage offline content as an HTML file. The offline content feature will override the ePub Exporting feature option, as both features cannot be used together.
Open Settings
![Open Settings](
In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.
Open Course Details
![Open Course Details](
Click the Course Details tab.
Organize ePub by Content Type
![Organize ePub by Content Type](
In the Course Details tab, locate the ePub Export section. Click the Organize ePub by content type checkbox.
Update Course Details
![Update Course Details](
Click the Update Course Details button.