How do I restore a concluded enrollment in a course?
If you manually conclude an enrollment in your course, you can restore the enrollment at any time before the course concludes via term, course, or section end date.
Note: Enrollments may be concluded by your institution's student information system (SIS). If a concluded enrollment includes an SIS ID, you cannot restore an enrollment from the course. Additionally, restoring an enrollments is a course permission. If you cannot restore enrollments in your course, your institution has restricted this feature.
Open People

In Course Navigation, click the People link.
Open Prior Enrollments

In the Options drop-down menu [1], click the View Prior Enrollments link [2].
Open User Details

Click the name of the student.
View Memberships

Locate the Membership Section in the user details page.
If your institution has enabled Profiles, the Membership page displays directly in the page.
View More User Details

If Profiles is not enabled for your institution, you can view the Membership Section by clicking the more user details link.
Restore Enrollment

Click the Restore or Restore this Enrollment link.
Note: When restoring an enrollment, Canvas does not display a confirmation message. View the updated enrollment status by refreshing the page.