How do I add feedback to a question in New Quizzes?

You can add feedback to any question created with New Quizzes. Students can view your feedback when they view their results after submitting a quiz. In addition to general feedback, students will see all feedback comments relevant to their answer choices.

You can also add feedback to any answer choice when creating a Multiple Choice question.


  • Because Essay and File Upload question types require manual grading, any feedback responses added to these question types only display after the quiz is graded and scores are posted.
  • You can also add feedback to any answer choice when creating a Multiple Choice question or customize feedback to display upon quiz completion.

Edit Question

Locate the question where you would like to add feedback [1]. Click the Edit icon [2].

Open Feedback

Click the Feedback icon.

View Feedback

Student feedback can be customized to display feedback for correct answers [1] or incorrect answers [2]. You can also display the same feedback for all answers [3].

Add Feedback

To add feedback, use the Rich Content Editor to create customized feedback [1]. Your feedback can include images, media, or links [2].

Save Feedback

Save Feedback

To save your feedback, click the Done button.