How do I edit an item bank item in New Quizzes?
You can edit item bank items in New Quizzes. Edits will display in any quiz that uses the item. If students have submitted answers for an item, you can only edit a copy of the item. Editing a copy creates separate statistical data from the previous version of the item.
When editing an item, you can also add tags to the item. Tags can be used to search for items within item banks. Added tags display on the item in the bank and in any quiz that uses the item.
Open Quizzes

In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.
- You can also access quizzes from the Assignments page.
- You can also access item bank items from the Item Banks page.
Open Build Page
To edit an item bank item, find the quiz you want to open [1].
To open New Quizzes from an existing quiz, click the Options icon [2] and then click the Build link [3].
Open Item Bank

To open an item bank, click the name of the item bank.
Edit Item

Locate the item you want to edit [1]. To edit the item, click the Edit icon [2].
Edit Item Details

You can edit the item's title [1], stem [2], answer choices [3] and options [4]. You can also align the item to a learning outcome [5] and manage student feedback [6]. All edits will display in any quiz that uses the item.
Edit Item Copy

If students have submitted answers for an item, you can only edit a copy of the item. Editing a copy will change the item bank contents for students who take the quiz in the future. It will also create separate statistical data from the previous version of the item.
To edit a copy of the item, click the Edit a Copy button.
Add Tags

You can add tags to items to make them easier to find.
To add a tag to an item, enter the name of the tag in the Tags and Metadata field [1].
If the tag has already been created, click the name of the tag [2].
If you want to create a new tag, click the Create new tag option [3].
Note: Created tags can be added to other items and will display as search filters in any item bank created by a user.
View Tags

View the tags for your item bank item [1].
To remove a tag, click the Remove icon [2].
Save Item Edits

To save your edits, click the Done button [1]. To cancel all changes, click the Cancel button [2].