How do I use the Pages Index Page?

You can view all your pages in your course on the Pages Index Page. As an instructor, you can add new pages, edit pages, and manage page settings.

Learn more about pages.

Open Pages

Open Pages

In Course Navigation, click the Pages link.

View Front Page

Pages is designed to open to the designated front page for the course. Global settings are at the top of the page [1], followed by the individual page content [2].  

You can also use the Front Page for the course home page.  

Note: If your course does not yet have a front page, Pages will open to the Pages Index Page.

View Pages Global Settings

For individual pages, global settings include Viewing All Pages [1], publishing and unpublishing the page [2], and editing the page [3].

In the Options drop-down menu [4], you can delete the page and view the page history.

Note: You cannot delete a page that is set as the Front Page.

View All Pages

To view the Pages Index from the Front Page or any individual page, click the View All Pages button.

View Pages Index Page

The Pages Index has two global functions, to add new pages [1] and delete selected pages [2].

The rest of the Index displays the individual pages created in Canvas [3]. Your front page is identified with a Front Page tag [4].

You can schedule when a page will be published and can view when a page is scheduled to publish [5].

Sort Pages

Pages displays the page title, creation date, last edit, and student to-do date for each page in your course. Pages are arranged in alphabetical order. You can view the pages within the Index in ascending or descending order by clicking the arrow next to the heading.

Manage Individual Pages

To edit a page, click the name of the page [1].

To manage an individual page, click the page Options icon [2]. Using the Options drop-down menu, you can edit the page name [3], delete the page [4], set the page as the front page [5], duplicate the page [6], assign the page [7], send the page to another instructor [8], or copy the page to another course [9].

Notes: The Front Page option only displays for published pages.

View Blueprint Course

If your course includes Blueprint icons, your course is associated with a blueprint course. Blueprint Courses are courses managed as a template and may contain locked objects managed by a Canvas admin, course designer, or other instructor.

The Course Details tab in Course Settings will tell you if your course is a blueprint course. Most commonly, your course will not be a blueprint course and you can only manage unlocked content in your course. If your course is a blueprint course, you can lock and sync course content to associated courses.

View Student View

To view the pages index page as a student, click the View as Student button.

Note: If the course navigation link for the page is disabled and hidden from students, the View as Student button does not display.