How do I publish or unpublish a page as an instructor?
As an instructor, you can publish or unpublish a page in a course. Unpublished content is invisible to students.
Note: If you use Modules in your course and add a Page to a Module, please be aware that the state of the Module overrides the state of all module items. You may want to consider leaving Pages unpublished until you are ready to publish the entire Module. For more information please see the Modules Draft State lesson.
Open Pages

In Course Navigation, click the Pages link.
View Status of All Pages
On the Pages Index page, you can view the status of each page. Green icons indicate the page is published [1]. Gray icons indicate unpublished pages [2]. You can change the status of a page by toggling the published and unpublished icons.
If enabled by your institution, you can schedule a page to be published. Calendar icons indicate scheduled pages [3].
Publish a Page

To publish a page, click the Unpublish icon. The hover text will confirm you want to publish the page.
Unpublish a Page

To unpublish a page, hover over the Publish icon. The hover text will confirm you want to unpublish the page. Click the icon to confirm.
View Status within an Individual Page
Within individual pages, the page status is shown next to the page options.
Publish a Page
To publish a page, click the Publish button. The button will change from gray to green.
Unpublish a Page
To unpublish a page, hover over the Published button. The hover text will confirm you want to unpublish the page, and the button will change from green to gray. Click the button to confirm.
Note: You cannot unpublish a page that has been set to the Front Page.
View Scheduled Page Publication

When your page is saved for scheduled publication, you can return to the page and manage the publishing of it at any time by clicking the Will publish on... button [1].
You can choose between publishing the page, unpublishing the page, or scheduling the page for publication options and then click the OK button [2].