How do I send a quiz to another instructor in New Quizzes?

As an instructor, you can share individual quizzes in your course with other instructors at your institution. You can also copy an individual quiz into another course. When you share a new quiz, any assets within that quiz (images, files, etc.) will be included in the shared file.


  • To share course content, you must have the Course Content - add / edit / delete permission enabled.
  • Shared content does not count against course or user quotas.
  • You can use the Send to feature to send course content to yourself.

Open Quizzes

Open Quizzes

In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.

Note: You can also access quizzes from the Assignments page.

Open New Quiz Options

Locate the quiz you wish to send, then click the quiz Options icon [1]. Select the Send To... option [2].

Select Recipient

Select Recipient

To send your quiz to another instructor, click or type in the Send to field [1]. Then click the name of the instructor to receive your new quiz [2].

Note: You can send the new quiz to multiple instructors at one time.

View Recipients

View Recipients

You can view all selected recipients in the Send to field [1]. To remove a recipient, click the Remove icon [2].

Note: To share the quiz to yourself, add your name to the Send to field.

Send Quiz

Send Quiz

Click the Send button.

View Sent Notification

View Sent Notification

Canvas displays a notification when content sends successfully.

View Shared Content

View Shared Content

When an instructor receives shared content, a badge displays on the users's Account icon [1] and in the Shared Content link [2].

Learn how to manage received content.

Note: Shared New Quiz content can only be previewed after it is imported into a course.