How do I pin a discussion in a course?
You can pin discussions so students see them at the top of the Discussions index page. Such discussions can include short-run discussions, discussions that only run for a single week, and any other discussions that students should specifically pay attention to. You can also pin discussions within student groups.
If you pin several discussions to the Pinned Discussion section, you can move or reorder discussions within the section.
Note: Students do not see the Pinned Discussions section when the page does not include pinned discussions.
Open Discussions

In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link.
Pin Discussion
Locate the discussion and click the Options icon [1], then click the Pin link [2]. You can also drag a discussion to the Pinned Discussions section.
View Discussion

View the pinned discussion in the Pinned Discussions section.
Unpin Discussion

To unpin a discussion, locate the discussion and click the Options icon [1], then click the Unpin link [2]. You can also drag the discussion to the Discussions section.