How do I view concluded enrollments in a course?
Concluded enrollments for manually concluded courses or manually individually concluded enrollments are located in the prior enrollments section of the People page.
Note: If a course was naturally concluded through term, course, or section dates, or if it was concluded through SIS data, concluded enrollments appear as a read-only version of the People page.
Open People

In Course Navigation, click the People link.
Open Prior Enrollments

In the Options drop-down menu [1], click the View Prior Enrollments link [2].
View Prior Enrollments

All concluded enrollments can be viewed in prior enrollments. Deleted enrollments do NOT appear in the prior enrollments.
All prior enrollments will be listed alphabetically by last name. To view account details for a prior user, click the name of the user. As when viewing user details for an active student, the prior user's detail page may a sidebar that may include links to additional information about the user, such as grades, user interactions, analytics, and outcomes.