Sut ydw i’n defnyddio’r Dewin Dechrau Arni ar gyfer e-Bortffolio?
Bydd y Dewin Dechrau Arni ar gyfer e-Bortffolio yn eich arwain drwy'r broses o greu eich e-Bortffolio.
Nodyn: Mae’r wers hon yn dangos sut i ddefnyddio Canvas ePortfolios yn eich cyfrif defnyddiwr. Os ydy’r ePortfolios yn eich cyfrif defnyddiwr yn edrych yn wahanol i’r lluniau yn y wers hon, dysgwch sut i ddefnyddio Canvas Student Pathways and ePortfolios.
00:07: How do I use the e-portfolio getting started wizard? 00:11: In global navigation, click the account link, then click the e-portfolios 00:15: link. 00:17: Click the name of an e-portfolio. 00:20: Click the getting started wizard link. 00:23: Beginning started, wizard will pop up to show you the basics of your e-portfolio. 00:27: You can read about the introduction. 00:29: Portfolio, sections section Pages, adding submissions 00:34: e-portfolio settings and let's do it to close. 00:38: The getting started wizard, click the clothes icon. 00:42: Your e-portfolio is a way to show off your work to your peers instructors 00:46: and possible, employers. They are made of sections and pages 00:50: that are customizable, and you are able to add and remove different types of information. 00:56: The portfolio sections are your navigation, links for your portfolio. 00:59: Each section can have multiple Pages inside of it. 01:02: You can organize the sections by clicking the organized sections link. 01:06: You can also rename a section by clicking the pencil icon rearrange 01:11: sections by clicking and dragging or delete sections by clicking the X 01:15: icon. 01:17: The section pages are part of the section links to organized or 01:21: add pages. Click on the organized manage Pages link. 01:24: You can also rename a page by clicking the pencil icon rearrange 01:29: sections by clicking and dragging or delete sections by clicking the X icon. 01:35: You can add assignments to your portfolio from classes. 01:37: You were taking and classes. You have taken, you may have noticed at the bottom of 01:41: this page is a list of recent submissions from your classes. 01:44: You can quickly add submissions to new pages in your portfolio. 01:48: From this page, just click the submission. 01:51: You want to add and a simple dialogue will pop up. 01:55: To change the settings for your e-portfolio click the e-portfolio settings 01:59: link, you can rename the portfolio and also change whether it is 02:03: public or private private portfolios are only visible to 02:07: those to whom you grant access. 02:10: Ready to get started. You can always get back to this wizard from any Page. 02:14: By clicking the help. How do I link? 02:17: This guide covered how to use the e-portfolio getting started wizard.
Agor e-Bortffolios

Yn y ddewislen Crwydro'r Safle Cyfan, clicio’r ddolen Cyfrif (Account) [1], ac yna clicio’r ddolen e-Bortffolios (ePortfolios) [2].
Agor e-Bortffolio

Cliciwch enw e-Bortffolio.
Agor y Dewin Dechrau Arni

Cliciwch y ddolen ar gyfer y Dewin Dechrau Arni (Getting Started Wizard).
Gweld y Dewin Dechrau Arni
Bydd y Dewin Dechrau Arni yn ymddangos i ddangos hanfodion eich e-Bortffolio i chi. Gallwch ddarllen am y Cyflwyniad, Adrannau Portffolio, Tudalennau Adrannau, Ychwanegu Cyflwyniadau, Gosodiadau e-Bortffolio a’r adran Ewch Amdani. I gau'r Dewin Dechrau Arni, cliciwch yr eicon cau.
Gweld Cyflwyniad
Mae eich e-Bortffolio yn ffordd o ddangos eich gwaith i'ch cyfoedion, i addysgwyr ac i ddarpar gyflogwyr. Mae e-Bortffolios yn cynnwys adrannau a thudalennau y mae modd eu haddasu, ac fe allwch chi ychwanegu a thynnu gwahanol fathau o wybodaeth.
Gweld Adrannau Portffolio
Adrannau portffolio yw'r dolenni rydych chi’n eu defnyddio i grwydro drwy’ch portffolio. Mae pob adran yn gallu cynnwys mwy nag un dudalen. Gallwch chi drefnu’r adrannau drwy glicio’r ddolen Trefnu Adrannau (Organize Sections). Gallwch chi hefyd ailenwi adran drwy glicio’r eicon pensil, aildrefnu adrannau drwy glicio a llusgo, neu ddileu adrannau drwy glicio'r eicon x.
Gweld Tudalennau Adran
Mae tudalennau adran yn rhan o ddolenni’r adran. I drefnu neu ychwanegu tudalennau, cliciwch y ddolen Trefnu/Rheoli Tudalennau (Organize/Manage Pages). Gallwch chi hefyd ailenwi tudalen drwy glicio’r eicon pensil, aildrefnu adrannau drwy glicio a llusgo, neu ddileu adrannau drwy glicio'r eicon x.
Gweld yr Adran Ychwanegu Cyflwyniadau
Gallwch ychwanegu aseiniadau at eich portffolio o’ch dosbarthiadau presennol a'ch dosbarthiadau blaenorol. Efallai i chi sylwi bod rhestr o gyflwyniadau diweddar ar gyfer eich dosbarthiadau yn ymddangos ar waelod y dudalen hon. Ar y dudalen hon, gallwch ychwanegu cyflwyniadau’n gyflym at dudalennau newydd yn eich portffolio. Cliciwch y cyflwyniad rydych am ei ychwanegu, a bydd blwch deialog syml yn ymddangos.
Gweld Gosodiadau e-Bortffolio
I newid y gosodiadau ar gyfer eich e-Bortffolio, cliciwch y ddolen Gosodiadau e-Bortffolio (ePortfolio Settings). Gallwch ailenwi’r portffolio, a’i newid i fod yn gyhoeddus neu’n breifat. Dim ond y rheini a fydd yn cael caniatâd gennych chi fydd yn gallu gweld portffolios preifat.