How do I create and manage filters in the Gradebook?
You can create and apply specific gradebook filters that may be used once or saved for future use.
00:00:How do i create and manage filters in the Gradebook? 00:04:In Course Navigation, click the Grades link. 00:08:To view or manage gradebook filters, click the Apply Filters button. 00:13:Click the Create & Manager Filter Presets link. 00:17:To create a new filter, click the Create Filter Preset expand arrow icon. 00:23:Depending on how your course is setup, you can filter gradebook content by assignment groups, grading periods, modules, sections, student groups, submissions, start dates, and end dates. 00:38:To save the filter for future use, enter a filter name in the Filter preset name field. 00:44:To add a filter type, click a filter type drop-down menu 00:49:You can select a specific filter type in which to filter gradebook content. The filter type field format and listed options vary depending on the selected filter type. If you selected the Sections filter type, course sections display in the Sections drop-down menu. To view content for a specific section, click the section name. 01:10:If you selected the Assignment Group filter type, course assignment groups display in the Assignment Groups drop-down menu. To view content for a specific assignment group, click the assignment group name. 01:23:If you selected the Module filter type, course modules display in the Modules drop-down menu. To view content for a specific module, click the module name. 01:34:If you selected the Student Group filter type, course student groups display in the Student Groups drop-down menu. To view content for a specific student group, click the student group name. 01:46:If you selected the Grading Periods filter type, you can view all grading periods or a specific grading period. 01:53:If you selected the Submissions filter type, you can select a specific submission type. 01:59:If you selected the Start Date or End Date filter type, you can view assignments with a start date or end date on or after a specific date. To view assignments with a start or end date on or after a specific date, add the date in the Date field. 02:15:To save the filter preset, click the Save Filter Preset button. To clear the filter presets, click the Clear button. 02:24:In the Apply Filters menu, view the saved filter preset. 02:29:In the Saved Filters Preset sidebar, existing filters display. To rename a filter, enter a new name in the Filter preset name field. To manage a filter preset's filter type, click a Filter Type drop-down menu. 02:45:To delete the filter, click the Delete Preset button. 02:49:To create a new filter, click the Create Filter Preset expand arrow icon. 02:55:View the filtered gradebook content. Applied filter names display in the Applied Filters section. 03:02:To remove a filter, click the filter option drop-down menu and click the Remove Filter option. 03:09:To remove all filters, click the Clear All Filters link 03:13:To view gradebook settings, click the Settings icon. 03:17:This guide covered how to create and manage filters in the Gradebook.
Open Grades

In Course Navigation, click the Grades link.
Open Filters

To view or manage gradebook filters, click the Apply Filters button.
Open Filter Presets

Click the Create & Manager Filter Presets link.
Create New Filter

To create a new filter, click the Create Filter Preset expand arrow icon.
Add Filter Details

To save the filter for future use, enter a filter name in the Filter preset name field [1].
To add a filter type, click a filter type drop-down menu [2].
Depending on how your course is setup, you can filter gradebook content by assignment groups, grading periods, modules, sections, student groups, submissions, start dates, and end dates.
Select Filter Type

You can select a specific filter type in which to filter gradebook content. The filter type field format and listed options vary depending on the selected filter type.
View Sections Filter

If you selected the Sections filter type [1], course sections display in the Sections drop-down menu [2].
To view content for a specific section, click the section name [3].
View Assignment Group Filter

If you selected the Assignment Group filter type [1], course assignment groups display in the Assignment Groups drop-down menu [2].
To view content for a specific assignment group, click the assignment group name [3].
View Module Filter

If you selected the Module filter type [1], course modules display in the Modules drop-down menu[2].
To view content for a specific module, click the module name [3].
View Student Groups Filter

If you selected the Student Group filter type [1], course student groups display in the Student Groups drop-down menu [2].
To view content for a specific student group, click the student group name [3].
Note: If your course does not include student groups, the Student Groups option is not displayed.
View Grading Periods

If you selected the Grading Periods filter type [1], you can view all grading periods [2] or a specific grading period [3].
View Submissions Filter

If you selected the Submissions filter type [1], you can select a specific submission type [2].
View Start and End Date Filter

If you selected the Start Date or End Date filter type [1], you can view assignments with a start date or end date on or after a specific date.
To view assignments with a start or end date on or after a specific date, add the date in the Date field [2].
Save Filter Preset

To save the filter preset, click the Save Filter Preset button [1].
To clear the filter presets, click the Clear button [2].
View Filter Preset

In the Apply Filters menu, view the saved filter preset.
Manage Gradebook Filters

In the Saved Filters Preset sidebar, existing filters display.
To rename a filter, enter a new name in the Filter preset name field [1].
To manage a filter preset's filter type, click a Filter Type drop-down menu [2].
To delete the filter, click the Delete Preset button [3].
To create a new filter, click the Create Filter Preset expand arrow icon [4].
View Applied Filters
View the filtered gradebook content [1].
Applied filter names display in the Applied Filters section [2].
To remove a filter, click the filter option drop-down menu [3] and click the Remove Filter option [4].
To remove all filters, click the Clear All Filters link [5].
To view gradebook settings, click the Settings icon [6].