How do I get to SpeedGrader from an assignment, quiz, or graded discussion?

Canvas allows you to access SpeedGrader from an assignment, quiz, or graded discussion.

Note: You can also open the SpeedGrader from the Gradebook.

Open Assignments

Open Assignments

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.

Open SpeedGrader from Options

Open SpeedGrader from Options

Click the assignment Options icon [1]. Then click the SpeedGrader link [2].

Open SpeedGrader from a Graded Assignment or Quiz

To access the SpeedGrader from a New Quiz. Click the Options icon [1]. Then click the SpeedGrader link [2].

To open an assignment, click the assignment name link.

Within an open graded assignment or quiz, the SpeedGrader link displays in the sidebar under Related Items.

Select Group to Grade

Select Group to Grade

If you have enabled the Launch SpeedGrader Filtered by Student Group setting in course details, you must select a student group before opening SpeedGrader from an assignment or quiz. To select a student group, click the Select Group to Grade drop-down menu.

Note: When this option is enabled, certain areas that open SpeedGrader will prompt you to select a student group to view in SpeedGrader. In areas that do not provide this option, SpeedGrader will open filtered to the first group that contains students. You can change the student group that opens by first selecting a student group in the New Gradebook. However, if you open SpeedGrader for a specific student, SpeedGrader will open filtered by the first available student group in which the student is a member. Additionally, if you open SpeedGrader from a specific student who is not a member of a student group, group filters will not be applied.

Open SpeedGrader from Discussions

Open SpeedGrader from Discussions Redesign

To open a discussion in SpeedGrader, click the Options icon [1] and click the Open in SpeedGrader link [2].

Use SpeedGrader

Use SpeedGrader to view submitted assignments, comment on student submissions, and grade assignments.