How do I manage content shared to me from other users?
When the Direct Share feature is enabled in your account, instructors and admins can send individual announcements, assignments, discussions, pages, and quizzes to other instructor-level users in the account. You can access any content sent from other users in your user account.
From the Received Content page, you can preview shared content, import content items into your course or courses, and remove the item from your received content list. Removing a content item deletes the item from your list of received items. However, if you have imported the item into a course, the content item is not removed from your course.
- When a course item is shared using Direct Share, any assets within that item (images, files, etc.) are also included in the shared file.
- To share course content, you must have the Course Content - add / edit / delete permission enabled.
- Shared content does not count against course or user quotas.
- Shared content may be removed from your Received Content page after a period of time. It is recommended that you preview and import content as soon as possible after it is shared with you.
Open Shared Content

In Global Navigation, click the Account link [1], and then click the Shared Content link [2].
Note: When you receive new shared content, the Account and Shared Content links display a badge icon [3].
View Received Content
The Received Content page displays a list of all content items that other users have sent to you. The list includes the title [1], content type [2], sender [3], and sent time and date [4] for each sent item.
New content is indicated with an Unread icon [5]. If you preview or import content, the icon changes to a Read icon [6]. You can also manually mark items as read or unread, click the icon next to the item.
- Shared content may be removed from your Received Content page after a period of time. It is recommended that you preview and import content as soon as possible after it is shared with you.
- Shared announcements display as a Discussion Topic content type.
Preview Content
To preview a received content item, click the item Options icon [1]. Select the Preview option [2].
Import Content
To import a received content item into a course, click the item Options icon [1]. Select the Import option [2].
Select Course

Type the name of a course or course code in the Select a Course field [1]. Then select the course into which you want to import the item [2].
Select Location

If you wish, you can import the item into a specific module and location within a course.
Click or type a module name in the Select a Module field [1]. Then select the module.
To select a location within the module, click the Place drop-down menu [2]. You can select to import the item to the top of the module, before or after a specific module item, or at the bottom of a module.
Note: The option to select a module displays when importing an announcement, but is not functional. You cannot place a copied announcement in a module.
Import Content

Click the Import button.
Remove Content
To remove a received content item, click the item Options icon [1]. Select the Remove option [2].
Confirm Remove

Click the OK button.
Note: Removing a content item deletes the item from your list of received items. However, if you have imported the item into a course, the content item is not removed from your course.