How do I view an announcement thread as an instructor?
You can view threaded replies to announcements when replies are enabled. You can view threaded replies inline in a split screen sidebar.
You can quote a threaded reply when responding to a user in a thread.
00:07: How do I view an announcement Fred as an instructor? 00:10: In course, navigation, click the announcements link 00:14: Click the name of an announcement. 00:17: Of course users have replied to an announcement reply. 00:19: You can view the reply thread by clicking number of replies, number of 00:24: unread link. 00:26: Fretted replies, expand and display view. 00:29: The name of the user who posted the reply, as well as the date and time. 00:32: The reply was posted. 00:35: To view threaded replies. In a split screen. 00:37: Sidebar click the view split screen button. 00:41: When viewing split screen, thread replies, you can collapse and expand the 00:45: discussion thread replies. Sidebar When a discussion Fred reply is 00:49: collapsed, you can view the reply, indicators showing the number of unread and total 00:54: replies. To expand the thread, replace sidebar, click the 00:58: number of replies link. 01:01: View, the read and unread replies. 01:04: To view, threaded, replies options, click the options icon. 01:07: You can Mark replies as read or unread, Mark, threaded replies 01:11: as read or unread return to the topic. 01:13: Edit the reply quote, the reply, or delete the 01:17: reply, 01:19: To collapse the discussion. Thread replies, sidebar, click the close icon. 01:25: To manage a threaded reply, click the reply options icon then 01:29: select one of the following menu options. 01:32: Mark is read or unread, mark this reply as read or unread. 01:38: Mark, Fred is red, mark the whole thread as read. 01:42: Mark, Fred is unread, Mark the whole thread as unread. 01:47: Go to topic, select the topic of the thread. 01:51: Edit edit, edit the reply. 01:54: Quote reply start a reply by including a copy of the reply. 01:59: Delete, delete the reply. 02:02: View your reply, that includes the quoted reply. 02:06: This guide covered how to view an announcement thread as an instructor.
Open Announcements

In Course Navigation, click the Announcements link.
Open Announcement
Click the name of the announcement [1].
Note: If the announcement has replies, you can view the number of unread replies and the number of replies [2].
Open Threaded Replies
If course users have replied to an announcement reply, you can view the reply thread by clicking # of replies, # of Unread link.
View Inline Threaded Replies
Threaded replies expand and display [1]. View the name of the user who posted the reply as well as the date and time the reply was posted [2].
View Split Screen Thread Replies
To view threaded replies in a split screen sidebar, click the View Split Screen button.
When viewing split screen thread replies, you can collapse and expand the discussion thread replies sidebar. When a discussion thread reply is collapsed, you can view the reply indicators showing the number of unread and total replies.
To expand the thread replies sidebar, click the # of replies link [1].
View the read and unread replies [2].
To view threaded replies options, click the Options icon [3]. You can mark replies as read/unread, mark threaded replies as read/unread, return to the topic, edit the reply, quote the reply, or delete the reply.
To collapse the discussion thread replies sidebar, click the Close icon [4].
Manage Threaded Reply
To manage a threaded reply, click the reply Options icon [1]. Then select one of the following menu options:
- Mark as Read/ Unread [2]: Mark this reply as read or unread.
- Mark Thread as Read [3]: Mark the whole thread as read.
- Mark Thread as Unread [4]: Mark the whole thread as unread.
- Go to Topic [5]: Select the topic of the thread.
- Edit [6]: Edit the reply.
- Quote Reply [7]: Start a reply by including a copy of the reply.
- Delete [8]: Delete the reply.