How do I view reports for a quiz in New Quizzes?
You can view and download 3 reports for a quiz created in New Quizzes. The reports available in New Quizzes are the Quiz and Item Analysis, Outcomes Analysis, and the Student Analysis report. The Quiz and Item Analysis reports include statistics for the entire quiz and for individual items. The Outcomes Analysis report includes outcome mastery statistics for all students who took the quiz. The Student Analysis report provide a clearer insight into students' grasp of course materials and concepts to better support students in improving comprehension and test-taking strategies.
- For details on the calculations used in the Quiz and Item Analysis report, refer to the New Quizzes Quiz and Item Analysis resource document.
- Outcomes associated with questions from Item Banks do not display in the Outcomes Analysis report unless those Outcomes are added to a course.
- If you edit a quiz after students have already attempted the quiz, the Outcomes Analysis report includes results previous to edits being made.
- To generate a report, there must be at least three quiz submissions.
- To view reports for classic quizzes, learn how to view classic quiz statistics.
Open Quizzes

In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.
Note: You can also access quizzes from the Assignments page.
Open Build Page
To view reports for a quiz, find the quiz you want to open [1]. Click the Options icon [2], and then click the Build link [3]
Open Reports

Click the Reports tab.
Open Quiz and Item Analysis

To generate the improved Quiz and Item Analysis report for the quiz, click the Generate Report link [1].
To open the generated report, click the View Report link [2].
To download the Quiz and Item Analysis report as a CSV file, click the Export CSV button [3].
View Quiz Analysis
The Quiz and Item Analysis report includes two sections: Quiz Analysis and Item Analysis.
The Quiz Analysis includes statistics for overall quiz scores. To view all Quiz Analysis details, click the Expand icon.
The following statistics are available:
- High Score [1]: displays highest percentage score
- Low Score [2]: displays lowest percentage score
- Mean Score [3]: displays average percentage score
- Median Score [4]: displays median percentage score
- Mean Elapsed Time [5]: displays average time to complete the quiz
- Standard Deviation [6]: represents the amount of variation from the mean score in percentage
- Cronbach’s Alpha [7]: is an internal consistency measure that estimates the reliability of a quiz
- Score Distribution Chart [8]: represents the distribution of earned scores for the quiz
Learn more about values in the Quiz Analysis section.
View Item Analysis
The Item Analysis includes statistics for items in a quiz and their correlation to the overall quiz score. To view Item Analysis details, click the Expand icon.
The following statistics are available:
- Item Difficulty [1]: measures the proportion of students who answered the question correctly
- Mean Earned Points [2]: displays average point score out of the maximum possible points
- Median Earned Points [3]: displays mean point score out of the maximum possible points
- Discrimination Index [4]: assesses the ability of an item to differentiate between the highest scoring and lowest scoring students
- Corrected Item-Total Correlation Coefficient [5]: measures the correlation between a given item and the total score
- Answer Frequency Summary Chart [6]: displays the number and percentage of students who selected each answer choice
Note: The Answer Frequency Summary charts display the total number of correct responses, incorrect responses, and no responses for the following question types: Categorization, Fill in the Blank, Formula, Hot Spot, Matching, Multiple Answer, Multiple Choice, Numeric-Answer, Ordering, and True or False.
Open Outcomes Analysis

To open the Outcomes Analysis, click the View Report link.
View Outcomes Analysis
The Outcomes Analysis includes each student who has completed a quiz [1] and their mastery results for each outcome [2].
To view more details for an outcome, click the name of the outcome [3].
To download the CSV file of the Outcomes Analysis report, click the Export CSV button [4].
Note: Outcomes may take up to 48 hours to display in New Quizzes after they have been added to an account.
View Outcome Detail
The Outcome Detail page contains performance information for a specific outcome, including number of students who reached mastery [1], description [2], average score [3], and score required to earn mastery [4].
You can also view the number of students who score within each criteria level [5] and how mastery is calculated [6].
Open Student Analysis

To generate a Student Analysis report, click the Generate Report link [1], then click the Export CSV button [2].
View Student Analysis Report
The report includes:
- Time Elapsed
- Submission Attempts
- Item Type
- Student Response
- Points Earned
- Number of Correct
- Number of Incorrect
- No Response
- Overall Score
Note: The Student Analysis Report CSV includes data on each student's individual attempt. Essay and file upload are not included among the items in the report as they are manually graded.